20 | Bernardo Silva - 2024/25

Bernie does his best. It’s his position what makes his performance so bad. He should be playing on the right wing. He isn’t defensive midfielder.
He’s been worse than Walker. However, when Walker makes a mistake it costs us goals and/or games. Bernie has been producing next-to-nothing for a very long time but it isn’t as in-your-face because he floats around midfield, or grazes out on the wing.
One of Pep’s pets is our Bernie, love him to death but he’s finished. Hes never getting it back.
Bernardos running isn't the problem here, he ran his bollocks off, I doubt anybody covered more ground, the issue is we don't have 3 or 4 players to cover the ground he does, a hell of a lot of the work he does is in vain because it's only him half the time.
Needs a summer off. He’s out on his feet from the get go. Sublime player and massively underrated. Too much football, he’s burned out.

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