9/11 Conspiracies

Godfather said:
I love conspiracy threories, especially about 9/11, i have a few books about them, fascinating reads. Guess that makes me the anti christ lol, OP is quite laughable.

completely agree mate, some of the stuff is incredibly interesting. has anyone read the new pearl harbour? That's a great read and full of interesting facts about the day
Lucky Toma said:
I know mate. And I'm sorry for bringing it up after its all been done and dusted.
But Terryphelan would be unaware that anything at all occured and I wanted him to know that posting the things that he does has consequences.

(Although I suspect that he is perfectly aware of this already which is precisely why he chooses such emotive topics)

:) :) ATB.
terryphelan said:
Can someone tell me the difference between people who espouse this kind of shit and people who try to deny the holocaust?
Their is also a conspiracy to stop us finishing 4th. They even called the game off on Saturday when we were 6-0 up the bastards.
paul calfs tash said:
terryphelan said:
Can someone tell me the difference between people who espouse this kind of shit and people who try to deny the holocaust?
Their is also a conspiracy to stop us finishing 4th. They even called the game off on Saturday when we were 6-0 up the bastards.

Ah, there may be some truth in what you say there,Mr.Tash,with the sky 4 etc it is only those outside the top 4 that shout Conspiracy. Now if certain parties say ie the Blacks in the American Ghettos(south central/Compton etc) say that they are being manipulated and basically used as Guineapigs with the introduction of Crack/Meth and the like into their 'Hoods', the outside world that does'nt have as bigger problem as the said Guineapigs would despute their claims of a conspiracy because its not happening to them, just like the sky 4 do. If it's outside your thoughtspan or makes uncomfprtable reading with your brain, then its just a theory, even though the evidence available may stack completely towards a cover up/manipulation. Yes, evidence is crucial and the only 100% proof for a cover up argument, just like i said though, without the evidence of a sky 4 cover up it will always remain, a theory, even though we all know that indeed it is a cover up through various forms, ie media/F.A. etc.
Skashion said:
mat said:
100 year anniversary soon. Bound to reappear, is that the insurance scam one?


They did a lengthy documentary on that recently... absolutely rivetting stuff.

And very believable... but not convincing.
Soulboy said:
Skashion said:

They did a lengthy documentary on that recently... absolutely rivetting stuff.

And very believable... but not convincing.

I've only seen the one so that might have been it. Was it the Conspiracies series on Sky?

I'm not convinced by it and I rarely am. I require a substantial amount of proof before I'll believe something. The Titanic conspiracy pokes just enough holes and has just enough circumstantial evidence to mean it's a possibility. I just think a lot of conspiracy theories are fascinating and I definitely think the Titanic one is.
There is a site called 9/11 debunked, basically it takes all the conspiracy theories and proves them wrong

The controlled demo shit is more than laughable, they had a demolition expert on the radio once and he said to blow that building up
it would take over 2 years to tear it apart and plant explosives in the right place
BoyBlue_1985 said:
There is a site called 9/11 debunked, basically it takes all the conspiracy theories and proves them wrong

The controlled demo shit is more than laughable, they had a demolition expert on the radio once and he said to blow that building up
it would take over 2 years to tear it apart and plant explosives in the right place

the problem you run into BoyBlue is that people who 'love' conspiracy theories (for reasons that are often as much in their psychological make-up as their lack of common sense) is that they are easily convinced that these ideas hold water because they are lacking in brain power.

I think we have had lengthy discussions in other threads on all this sort of stuff from 9/11 to the Moon landings, and just about everything else in between. Whilst I'm prepared to believe there was something very much going on in both the Kennedy assassinations - and MLK for that matter, the whole issue of 9/11 (other than it being a total gov't fuck-up) and it forming some sort of conspiracy is absolutely - as you say above - 'laughable'; although the actual event itself (not the 'theories' behind the events on that day) is anything but a joke.

just as one quick example, let's take this passport business at 9/11... if a passport was actually found in the wreckage what does this really mean? Maybe just that the inertia of the impact blew debris (organic and inorganic) far and wide, and that amongst that which survived was one passport - of someone who was involved and on board the aircraft. So that document wasn't totally destroyed/burnt up. Does this mean there was a gov't conspiracy? Does this mean anything (as some would mistakenly think - like in much of the moon landing stuff) in light of everything else that we do actually know and understand? I say this in that no one is an expert in what can happen (statistically and in all probability) to a passport that's inside an airplane inside someone's jacket, or other effects, that rams into a building when it's being flown at 500 mph and loaded with jet fuel. Some people will mistakenly seize upon such 'evidence' and mistakenly build it into something else, when in fact there are much more likely explanations as to what happened, like a group of terrorists hijacking a group of aircraft (after much planning beforehand, and leaving plenty of real clues as to what was going on - which are well documented, which is why the Intel Communities got into trouble for their slack and failed responses afterwards) and the buildings fell down. We've been over this and a lot more so many other times in other threads, but some people don't have the capacity to realise or get a grip on things.

I referenced the Dunning-Kruger effect on page 2 of this thread, as it's probably quite a bit at play here.

lastly, if you ever try to have a rational discussion or even venture into an argument with an idiot you'll find it's futile, because they drag the 'conversation' down to their level and beat you with experience.


(they might also also resort to getting personal, rather than addressing the actual issues at hand, along with feeling persecuted and muddying the waters with other such perceived personal 'injustices' and attacks on themselves; in such extreme cases you are better trying to leave them alone - although they often feel like they've got a lot to say, as no matter how ridiculous their rantings their own mental state and well-being is important to us all... even if they choose to mount personal abusive rants along with their rantings on everything else, including how crazy and blinded just about everyone else is apart from themselves)
Some people discredit this stuff because it either A) Frightens them to think that their own Govt./Rulers would do this to its own people, as we all know that they always have their subjects well being at heart, or, B) they may work for the aforementioned Govt. and absolutely dismiss out of hand any wrong doing or discredit the Conspiracists as Nutters, or, C) they really are conditioned/brainwashed into believing that evrything their leaders/media tell them is gospel and has to be the truth, any of the above 3 are dangerous to say the least. Live and live i say, however way that you 'swing' on the subject. :)
Buzzer - "I love you man" but there's another possibility you might add to your list above, and that is:-

(D) - there's nothing to discredit because whatever is being hypothesized or put forward is absolute tosh in the first place, and it holds no substance whatsoever.

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