A thread about protesters


Well-Known Member
15 Apr 2007
under a volcanic ash cloud
Seems strange to come on bluemoon amd not see a thread about something thats all over the news, I usually find more interesting things in these threads than anything in msn.
Yes I know the last thread went to shit, and imho another thread should have been started away from what was a terrible incident.
These protests are now blocking westminster bridge and outside scotland yard, hopefully Ive not pissed anyone off starting a new thread on the subject but Im genuinely interested in other peoples opinions on this
If me and my mates went to our local park and started getting pissed together, we’d be fined, and if we refused to move on we’d be arrested.

Anyone who been out in large crowds for any reason during this pandemic, shame on you!

I’m fucking sick of these fuckers from the capital. Every other fucking week there’s another crowd gathered to have a fucking moan about something down there!

I wouldn't join a protest during Covid pandemic but can understand why people do,but they are putting other people at risk
The politicians & comentators wouldn't have batted an eyelid if it was strikers, football fans or others demonstrators the police waded in to on Saturday
Since the year dot the police have always been heavy handed when dealing with demonstrations so it should not have come as a surprise to anyone that out of a habit of a lifetime they couldnt help themselves on Saturday
Pity they didn't steam in when Princess Kate was there.
Even the Queen would have been pissed of if she was dragged away in handcuffs
If me and my mates went to our local park and started getting pissed together, we’d be fined, and if we refused to move on we’d be arrested.

Anyone who been out in large crowds for any reason during this pandemic, shame on you!

I’m fucking sick of these fuckers from the capital. Every other fucking week there’s another crowd gathered to have a fucking moan about something down there!


Thank-you Ms Dick.

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