A Tribute to Manuel Pellegrini?


Well-Known Member
16 Jul 2007
Salamanca, Spain
We've all had our moans about his tactics, but this charming man cannot be allowed to leave our club without a well-deserved tribute of some kind, even if it's just some sort of mosaic at Wembley.

I'm sure the 1894 Group will come up with ideas.

Gracias, Manuel!
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Not been his biggest fan but the way he has handled this has been phenomenal. Wonderful man.

There isn't a single manager in the PL who could not learn from the dignified way he has conducted himself from the minute he came, to the title win, to today! And I think he will continue to display great dignity way beyond his last game here!
He is part of our history and come Sat I think we could hear one of the best atmospheres we have had at the Etihad, let's show MP what we think and how grateful we are for the way he has acted throughout, he is a first class manager and will always be appreciated by City supporters.
His tribute will be trophies, and if he becomes the first ever City manager to win the title twice, then he deserves the recognition he will get.

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