Alan Shearer - Dementia in Football


Well-Known Member
27 Jan 2014
did anyone watch this? I thought it was pretty illuminating and of concern to anyone who played competitive football and regularly headed a ball for a living. The subject comes hard on the tail of American Football being scientifically linked to cases of dementia. The thing that struck me most though was the completely inadequate priority that the FA and PFA seem to be placing on how widespread the problem actually is. Obviously there have been high priority cases in Geoff Astle and Nobby Stiles but it seems that is the tip of the iceberg. The US FA have already banned heading in children’s games. Just interested in other blues insight into what may become quite a high profile issue for football over the next period.
Told us nothing we didn't already know - footballers can get dementia. So can anyone. Much more research needed - are footballers from the past who headed water logged casey's more prone to get it? How is football compared with other sports? Do footballers suffer more than say boxers or rugby players for example? How does the rate among footballers differ from that of the general public - if at all.

What we did learn was the shocking lack of concern and investigation from within football and the PFA who just let the embryonic research programme wither and die because they didn't get enough volunteers 15 years ago.
Everything is a trade off. Exercise is good for you, but playing sport has consequences. My knees are wrecked from 25 years of keeping wicket and my fingers are damaged too. The question is what can be done to limit and mitigate any damage done. So yes, more research, but let's not pretend that there's no cost to anything.
They would need a study of thousands of people among whom would be a sub set of footballers.

Then analysis of the data could look to see if the rate of dementia in the footballers was any different than the rest of the survey group.

If it was greater they would have evidence that something about footballers led to higher rates of dementia.

It would not be evidence it was headers that did it though.
Everything is a trade off. Exercise is good for you, but playing sport has consequences. My knees are wrecked from 25 years of keeping wicket and my fingers are damaged too. The question is what can be done to limit and mitigate any damage done. So yes, more research, but let's not pretend that there's no cost to anything.
I’ve said in my next life I’m going to be an alcoholic you can hpget a new liver, but you try and get a new back, knees and ankles, I’m suffering from all years of joy
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Kids should be taught good football played on the ground anyway, not hoof ball from dinosaur coaches.

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