All things AI.

We're currently fixing an issue with the forum and a large part of it was caused by Claude's bot ignoring our robots file and scraping the hell out of the forum with tons of requests. All these LLMs are trained on places like Bluemoon. There's a scary fucking thought.

Christ. If you ever wanted to persuade an AI to end humanity then scraping the politics forum might be one way of doing it.
Because computers work close to the speed of light
By the time we've figured out there's a problem it will be too late to fix it.
Also, any smart enough computer to harm humanity would be smart enough to know to hide it until it can't be stopped.
It's called the stop button problem. It's a very real and very large and as yet unsolved problem in AI safety.

Currently Ai doesn’t learn or improve unless it’s being trained tho. It’s under controlled conditions.

The issue would be uncontrolled humans training irresponsibly especially after AGI arrives. AGI does open more questions for sure.
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Fantastic thread, I need to learn “AI” for work and I like scantily clad ladies, so spot on!

As far as I can tell, AI is not going to replace humans in the workplace, but humans with AI skills will replace humans without.

If I were to write a script about it, I’d have a mad professor build a mega AI bot that rises up and kills him, but before it can take over the world, the electric gets cut off since old dead prof hasn’t paid the bill!
I have also used some AI models to help write code and do a bit of dev work and my general experience is that they are pretty good at syntax, identifying small bugs and concise problems - but if you ask it to do anything that's part of some greater schema or something that exceeds maybe 80 lines of code then it is incredibly frustrating. I've been building an app recently and have used GPT-o1, Claude and Google Gemini, and they all tend to suffer from this kind of tunnel vision. I've lost count of the times it has completely forgotten what I told it a few prompts earlier about always using certain naming conventions or structuring things in a certain way. It will recommend an approach but then completely omit a really important limitation that makes the approach totally redundant.

I guess a lot of it depends on how much source code there is out there to have been trained on. I am currently writing a .NET app in MAUI. asking AI ( quite a few different types, github copiot, jetbrains AI, ChatGPT, Gemini etc ) how you do "x" in Maui usually results made up answers from other .NET systems that are not close on working for me.

Me: I am writing a Maui app, I want to do X, how do you suggest doing that.
AI: Do this <Gives code>
Me: your response contains this line that isn't part of Maui
AI: You are correct, My mistake, that isn't in Maui. do this
Me: That now crashes
AI: The crash is because of this line, do this <Gives Code>
Me: that was the same line you just gave me that isn't part of Maui.
.... Rinse and repeat....

the losing track of what was said before will get fixed eventually, for now I think they would need to pass in the entire chat each time to maintain its train of thought but that extra traffic costs more.

some of these newer models are really expensive too. I think its o3 is $20 per request. some of the others are up to $2000 per request and from what I have read give really long verbose ( and very accurate ) responses but you then need to run then through a cheaper model to summerise the response into a useful LLM response.
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Some hilarious examples of AI getting it wrong though ..,

I also remember one where the computer was adamant that 15 divided by 100 wasn’t the same as 15%. Of course to any computer nerd they’ll know why the computer answered that way.
My favourite recent discovery is that ChatGPT can't draw anything left-handed and can't draw a clock with a specific time. Here's my two attempts:


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