An easy Xmas fixture list doesn't hide the fact the Rags...

Since they played us they have won 8 out of 9, with 7 of those wins coming against teams in the bottom half of the league. While 5 of our 9 games have been against teams in the top half, so they have had a relatively easy run. It will even out over the season, it is still in our hands, most of their games against the top clubs will be away.
Although he never gets much good press, the return of Valencia appeared to couple with their resurgence.

Very underrated player.
What still pisses me off is opposition managers just rolling over for the scum whereas they treat a game against us like a cup final, it was embarrassing watching the WBA fans at the final whistle last night.
Rammy Blue said:
What still pisses me off is opposition managers just rolling over for the scum whereas they treat a game against us like a cup final, it was embarrassing watching the WBA fans at the final whistle last night.

Don't underestimate the power of the media. They have whipped most opposition fans and managers into a frenzy against us, making them determined to try and put us in our place.

Lets not forget they only rolled over Wigan after they had a man sent off. To say that didn't influence the result is ridiculous. Watching the highlights up to that point the rags created nothing other than the goal and Wigan were well in the game.

Granted they may still have got nowt but it would have made it a far harder game and with such an understrength defence who knows. It was precisely because Carrick was so lightweight that he wasn't up to the rough and tumble of a burly centreforward that made him wheel away like he had been punched.

How can Fulham go to getting whipped by Man U at the Cottage to running Chelsea all the way. Its their biggest game of the season and anyone can see which game they put priority on - most Fulham fans are pseudo rags.

Everything I see from refereeing decisions through to the way the fixtures are organised show that the powers that be are putting every obstacle in our path and the path of least resistance for the rags.

I would not say the rags are rubbish but they are distinctly average, its only the fixtures (every champions league game was followed by an away game for us for example) and the way games are refereed when the rags are struggling that is allowing the rags to stick to our coat tails. Were it nor for that I think they would be battling with the likes of Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal for 4th.

The signs are cearly there - a real 'quality' side would not get d*cked against us and go out of the Champions league against a bunch of also rans. As per, things are being gerrymandered to help the rags so if we beat them we will certainly have earnt it.
SB Blue said:
Since they played us they have won 8 out of 9, with 7 of those wins coming against teams in the bottom half of the league. While 5 of our 9 games have been against teams in the top half, so they have had a relatively easy run. It will even out over the season, it is still in our hands, most of their games against the top clubs will be away.
The stats prove that. In the equivalent games in the first half of last season they got 44 points and only 36 in the second half. So that's 55% of their season total. If they beat Blackburn they'll be on 48 points but only 4 points up on the equivalent games last season. If it works the same this season they're on for 87 points.

We got 49.3% of our full season total in the equivalent games in the first half of last season so even if we were to lose at Sunderland that would still put us on for 91 points.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Halfpenny said:
Bobbies Black Bins said:
last season after xmas they lost 4 and drew 2..

And as said they have Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs and us all away from home as well as Liverpool at home.
Did you miss the memo? They always get better in the second half of the season!
Here's their 1st/2nd half points totals for the last 8 seasons. They've actually done better in the second half in 4 of those 8 but only significantly better in 2. In fact, when they've got 45 points or more in the first half, they've always done worse in the second half.

2010/11 - 41/39
2009/10 - 40/46
2008/09 - 41/49
2007/08 - 45/42
2006/07 - 47/42
2005/06 - 41/42
2004/05 - 37/40
2003/04 - 46/29

I am glad someone has pointed this out it’s been pedalled for years by red nose and the red biased press that the rags always get better the 2nd half of the season as this shows it’s just bollocks !!!
For those old enough to remember 1991 the year Leeds won the league the rags took only 4 points from their last 5 games and only 31 from 21 games in the 2nd half of the season 16 points less then the 1st half of the season (42 game season) They f88k it up big time getting 78 points from 42 games (70 for a 38 game season) and Leeds won the league by 4 points with possibly the worst team on paper to ever win the league. (74 points on a 38 game season!!)
The rags averaged 42,000 at home that season and sold out only twice (another myth they pedal)

We have to learn to be patient and I would have snapped anyone hand off to be here 18 games in so let’s keep going 90 points will win us the league we can do it
Halfpenny said:
Bobbies Black Bins said:
last season after xmas they lost 4 and drew 2..

And as said they have Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs and us all away from home as well as Liverpool at home.
Did you miss the memo? They always get better in the second half of the season!

Yeah Shearer and Lawro both said so...
Rammy Blue said:
What still pisses me off is opposition managers just rolling over for the scum whereas they treat a game against us like a cup final, it was embarrassing watching the WBA fans at the final whistle last night.

I love it. Put eleven men behind the ball and celebrate a draw like they've won a trophy. Hilarious.

Fuck me we've come even further than I thought we had :-)

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