An unusual suggestion...


Well-Known Member
24 Jul 2009
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with all the atrocities being committed in Syria at the moment, and the very uneasy historic relation between Israel and Syria and other middle east nations, would a western backed Israeli invasion of Syria to remove the government and military and, and this is the difficult part to trust the West/Israel, allow a Syrian democracy to form with complete withdrawal of troops be a good move to improve relations between Israel and the rest of the Middle East?

Nothing's getting done and this situation is completely unacceptable, Libya is a joke, Syrians need help and urgently, how can we let this happen?
No chance, if Israel made a move all hell would break loose. Every middle eastern muslim country would go to war.

No way could you have Israel go in or you would just start a new Afghanistan with regards to the nutters who just like to fight.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
with all the atrocities being committed in Syria at the moment, and the very uneasy historic relation between Israel and Syria and other middle east nations, would a western backed Israeli invasion of Syria to remove the government and military and, and this is the difficult part to trust the West/Israel, allow a Syrian democracy to form with complete withdrawal of troops be a good move to improve relations between Israel and the rest of the Middle East?

Nothing's getting done and this situation is completely unacceptable, Libya is a joke, Syrians need help and urgently, how can we let this happen?

The result would lead to world war three, middle east vs the west, and an increase in terrorism on a massive scale, so not for me. Personally, I have trouble with the very concept of Israel to begin with.

I think you have put more brain power into this that the alied countries combined mate.

They only way i see it working out would be for the UK and USA and whoever else to go in hard as hell and fast just totally stun them. Then get out quick as the longer they lingered the local populous would be thinking its another iraq and turn on us.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
well anyone else got an idea of how to stop innocent Syrians get slaughtered by their government?

It's a tricky one purely because any invasion would feature Israel to some degree, unlike say Iraq did. And by far the most provocative thing to Arabs and the people who live in that region is the very existence of Israel. So they would in effect have played an active part in an invasion of an Arab state, even if the invasion had sound moral intention, which would be the spark that set the whole region off. I don't know how to help those unfortunate Syrians who are being brutally oppressed, but with world tensions as they are, it's quite unlikely there will be any form of intervention.
It's because we are tip toeing around the regimes leaders as we have contracts and trade agreements etc etc. I am sure there is much more than meets the eye regarding this.

I do know i was doing some err reaearch regarding the Libya crisis and this involved sniffing data packets going into and out of the country.

I didn't hang around long as when u see hundreds of .mil sending and recieving all sorts of data and .cn ips trying using very smart 0day to fuck with the .mil (us army)
That is as serious as it gets. Basically it looked like war games between china and the usa using Libya conflict as a platform for this cyber war.
So it's all a big fucking complicated mess.

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