anbody take LSD?



keeping in with the general theme, i used to take 3-4 tabs a day. that was about 10 years ago, i stopped as i started to have what i called at the time 'daymares' and feared for my sanity.

anyone else tried it?
Never have. Was always too scared of a "bad trip" tbh :P
Never liked the idea of being a prisoner to the drug (you can stop smoking weed if you feel abit paranoid or sickly and you'll be pretty much normal soon enough.....LSD on the other hand, from what I gather atleast, you're a prisoner to it for hours)

I like hearing stories from those that have done it tho :)
Someone told me that a lad they were at school with was on it.
He locked himself into a room and wouldn't come out because he believed he was an orange and everyone was going to squeeze him
NQT said:
Someone told me that a lad they were at school with was on it.
He locked himself into a room and wouldn't come out because he believed he was an orange and everyone was going to squeeze him
I shouldn't laugh but pmsl
NQT said:
Someone told me that a lad they were at school with was on it.
He locked himself into a room and wouldn't come out because he believed he was an orange and everyone was going to squeeze him
Lmfao......good one.

Did my share back 'in the day' and a few others mention ed on here recently. Did enjoy all that as a teenager and in early twenties.....Didn't stick with it though, and some people I know who did are fringe basket cases now, lol. Just say no....
I've done my share of trips, always enjoyed them. I'd advise that anyone that has the slightest reservations about doing it should leave it well alone. The acid will exploit your fear! :)

I have to laugh at some of the shit I've done on it though. We once ate about ten packs of Kraft cheese slices 'cause "it fells like its in your ears!" and once spent an hour wrapping a tv in tin foil and pokin pin holes in it so the light comes out in funny little beams. One time me and a mate spent the whole night 40 up a tree playing bongos and smoking cigars. Good times.
this is what I posted on the Carl Sagan thread last night (the 2nd paragraph of my post being the relevant one here):-

I can relate to the start of his second paragraph, which was my experience (one of my girlfriends was a big-time pot head) and I never took things any further; it has never done anything for me THC and I look to get my kicks in other ways.

since I also have connections and worked in the pharmaceuticals industry (at the research end) I wouldn't ever go near LSD. Unlike some stuff, this invidious compound can actually react with your brain and cause chemical changes inside of it. Now I don't know enough about this to understand if that is what causes people to have LSD flashbacks, but I'd just as well steer clear of it irrespective.

City is of course my drug (and religion for that matter) of choice...
aphex said:
keeping in with the general theme, i used to take 3-4 tabs a day. that was about 10 years ago, i stopped as i started to have what i called at the time 'daymares' and feared for my sanity.

anyone else tried it?

3-4 tabs a day, fcuking hell!!

took a decent amount in my youth between the ages of 15 and 24. The weirdest experiences were when i took it at school, on a ferry to Rotterdam and prior to a game of football for the uni team

I've aso taken magic mushies, they used to grow in our school playing fields so we'd pick them and then brew them up

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