Don't like this Andy Peebles bloke he seem a bit of a snob and a bit full of himself has an air of I'm the big I am about him, the type who likes to pretend they're in the loop about things but didn't have a clue about really... It feels like he's sensationalising his interactions with former footballers to an extreme level, they come across as half truths at best don't believe much he says there's maybe a slight hint of minor truths mixed with random bullshit, maybe he just lacks charisma of any kind and I'm not invested but I don't really hear much of relevance to us here.
The Blob starring Steve McQueen is based on a true story too but only a very small fraction of it, the discovery of some space slime following a small meteor hit that was investigated by a US cop/highway patrolman. For me in my mind The Blob theatrical release has about as many truths as Andy Peebles stories, I'm not usually too downbeat on hearing old stories I usually actually like them but he's not interesting, he very much seems a closet rag and oddly very enthusiastic about his interactions with them, maybe he's one of the super old types pre WWII who actually liked both clubs that's defo something that doesn't sit right with me but he alluded to not despising them, he just seemed way too much into them and he defo didn't seem as thrilled talking about us for whatever reason, maybe there's a fair bit of the conversation we didn't hear but watched both vids and wasn't that invested, maybe I've just watched them both in the wrong frame of mind I dunno but never been as bored watching him interview someone, if there's another part maybe his demeanor will change but wouldn't hold my breath on owt interesting being said by him.
I think Ian Cheeseman's choice of words about crediting only himself on the King's book was very poor, but I don't think he's actually like that in regards to bigging himself up or being too up his own arse, after all I doubt Colin Bell would've allowed him into his life if he didn't feel he was genuinely invested in sharing the story of his life and career, plus I believe if he wasn't down to earth and humble he wouldn't have ever got a chance to write that book on the King's behalf, so I'd say a very poor choice of words but without malice I'm sure... another thing I'll add on Cheeseman is I've never heard him ask for handouts off viewers, unlike most YouTubers not a massive dig at them but he seems very reluctant to ask and it looks like he just makes these as a hobby. I sense a lot would stop doing their videos completely if they didn't receive their donations off viewers but not him, it's not a chore and seems more a passion of his something he actively enjoys doing sharing his and our fans experience in his videos.