Another Cookie Cock Up Moment - Mariga deal?

On sale in the City store now for a section of our fans.

skybluekings said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
There was a special appeals panel set up for situations like this, so we had time for an appeal. But I'm 99% certain that you can't apply unless you've got the gig sorted in the first place. The appeals panel will want to see the contract.

It was a given that he's fail the initial application because of Kenya's FIFA ranking. But you still have to go through the process. We appealed (presumably) on the grounds that the normal criteria should be set aside because he is classed as an "exceptional talent" and would contribute to the development of English football. We would also have to prove that he would play first team football regularly in support of that.

Work permit was granted! According to the BBC, the Kenyan PM used his position to see Mariga granted a work permit...but time ran out!

If this was done LAST WEEK, Mariga would be a City player today.
City bottled it!

We've only his word for that. Sounds like a politician trying to big himself up to me. If it had really been granted we could have got special dispensation to have the transfer registered.
moomba said:
So something obviously was wrong with our deadlines we set ourselves for getting a deal done.

Could the time we wasted chasing a permit that was never going to be granted gave been better spent elsewhere?
I know that some on here are complete morons but you are certainly not. We may not have had much control over the deadlines and there was at least a prospect of the permit being granted on appeal. It's a very random process. Liverpool didn't get one for Chile's Mark Gonzales.
Soulboy said:
Now I hope I'm not doing the bloke a disservice, and I'm pointing fingers at him when he doesn't really deserve it... but who the fuck cocked up the MacDonald Mariga deal?

We've been linked with this player for about 7 days now, Mancini must have targeted him at least a week prior to that... so, conservatively, we've had two weeks to look into this deal.

Presumably one of our very well paid employees understands employmemnt law, and how a work permit is obtained? If not, then we could buy in expert opinion. That's how businesses work. Except not at City, seemingly.

We wait until 5 hours before the transfer deadline before finding out that the player doesn't meet the criteria (something that numerous people on here commented upon) and we are made to look like chumps again.

Hopefully the deal may be resurrected... but that's not the point is it?

Who are we employing at the club? Clearly our "richest club in the world / top notch businessmen owners" aren't cutting the mustard.

I await Cook at his next press conference telling the waiting world that "The FA bottled it..."

We want the best players... we need the best administrators.

To be the best you employ the best.

I hope I am proved wrong with this one...

I know Cook was trying to get in everywhere but if we start blaming him for not controlling the home office then he truly is fucked.

The problem was it was always gonna be rejected out of hand, could only get the hearing on monday and the case was obviously not strong enough to overturn the reason.

Its getting a bit silly now baming cook for everything!!
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

bluem0ng said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Oh dear, how embarrassing.

Trying to take the piss when the PM actually confirms he got involved. LMAO!!

He said he was happy to abandon all his duties as Prime Minister weeks ago to work this case 24/7 to get the lad a work permit but City fucked up by not thinking to phone the Kenyan PM at the beginning of the year. He was waiting by the phone and everything.

your in dreamland my friend!!
Ricster said:
On sale in the City store now for a section of our fans.

Would you be happier if we didn't discuss the club and what is happening at the club on a discussion board such as this one? Seems as soon as you do a section of our supporters jump up and down, stamp their feet and play the spooky brat card.

As far as I'm concerned no amount of money or success would make the loss if our right to have an opinion worthwhile.
moomba said:
Ricster said:
On sale in the City store now for a section of our fans.

Would you be happier if we didn't discuss the club and what is happening at the club on a discussion board such as this one? Seems as soon as you do a section of our supporters jump up and down, stamp their feet and play the spooky brat card.

As far as I'm concerned no amount of money or success would make the loss if our right to have an opinion worthwhile.

I'd be happy if people were to get their facts right before launching an attack on an easy target!

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