Anyone's name been called out over the PA?


Well-Known Member
20 Jul 2005
It hardly happens these days due to mobile phones.

However, it happened to me once at The Swamp when my ex was hit by a coin thrown by some socially inadequate inbred with learning difficulties in the K Stand. I was in the Main Stand - she'd opted to stand in the Scoreboard before you ask - and had to go to the first aid room. By the time I got there she'd been carted off to the MRI. I had to get a taxi over there. Made sure I got a refund off the red b@st@rds but, rather too conveniently, they had no CCTV footage. Trust me, there's nothing more embarrassing than hearing your name broadcast around that shithole.

On another occasion I heard a broadcast for a Mr Thomson in the North Stand to contact the chief steward at half-time. Afterwards I asked my mate Tomo what it was all about. He said it wasn't him, but he had gone out at half-time to see and there were half a dozen other Mr Thomsons waiting!
Had Happy Birthday read out for my Dad at Maine Road before we drew 0-0 with Walsall in Div 2, well chuffed when it was read out, good choice of a Birthday present and cracking that my Grandad was good mates with the groundsman so he could make it happen
Had my lads read out for his birthday once, the first competitive match at Eastlands/Coms v TNS, he didn`t hear it though as just moments before they announced it he went to the toilet :-S.

Back in the dark days under Frank Clark. I made my way to the nearest Steward as requested, who after confirming who I was took me to the changing rooms where Clark himself asked me had I fetched my Boots.

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