Are fans of top 4 clubs just stupid?


Well-Known Member
6 Dec 2007
Minding the gap
Little msn convo with a mate from work who's a Chelsea fan. Its madness how different they see things.

paul says:
looks like adebayor is getting the book thrown at him lad

Mark says:
not a suprise, he doesnt play for united, arsenal, chelsea or liverpool, so the we dont touch the top 4 rule doesnt apply anymore.

paul says:
yeah i know chelsea always get off with stuff

Mark says:
chelsea are always bad ass with transfers tho lol.

paul says:
plus you're not a top 4 club so it wouldnt

Mark says:
thats my point...

paul says:
what that you're still poo?

Mark says:
hmm we'll see when chelsea come to eastlands this season

paul says:
to be fare, the stamp was bad!

Mark says:
rooney does that every week and never gets charged
Evra karate kicked carragher half way up his back in front of the linesman last season and nothing happened.

paul says:
oh dear mark! you been sat with other blue fans on a website talking about this! it doesnt matter what rooney does! that stamp was horrendous! he stamped on someones head!

Mark says:
if ur face fits, u get off with it, simple as that. Yeah the stamp was bad, and he shouldnt have celebrated like that either, but why do they make an example of him and let other players off with it?

paul says:
i think you'll find it tightens up a lot this year! arsenals dive didnt get overlooked did it!
you city fans are too bothered about what united do and get away with! lol
you know what that is called! little club mentality

Mark says:
that was UEFA pal, if that had been a premier league game, nothing would have happened, as it happens every weekend and nothing happens.
wow, are all top four clubs fans this dumb lol.

paul says:
little club!
biting much?

Mark says:
not at all, i find it quite funny. the lack of intellectual justification of any of your points only emphasise mine, so keep it coming with the little club stuff - as you have nothing better to say

paul says:
lol, it didnt need any justification! the justification was that your striker stamped on someones head! that was my point only!
no if no buts! you cant do it

Mark says:
yeah, we know that. my point was, it gets overlooked when your face fits.
any fan outside the top four would agree. those in the top four wont....hmmm.

paul says:
i think if lampard had stamped on someones head like that he would be getting the same treatment.
i thought scholes sending off was soft too
chelsea are forever being made an example of
we never get away with things like that

Mark says:
did u see evra's headbutt on Corluka? or did u conveniently miss that whilst attending the "top 4 rulez" monthly meeting chaired by david gill and keith hackett.

paul says:
no i didnt see that one

Mark says:
wow, let me perfect my suprised face.

paul says:

I find it amusing how they think they are hard done to.
It's swings and roundabouts, sometimes we get some lucky decisions, sometimes we get some shockers. It's only one example but take penalties - Liverpool, United and L'Arse got 24 between them last season - we got 3.

We do believe that we get an unfair amount of coverage compared to the other 'top 4' clubs, Sky show our misdemeanors on loop, while idiots like Stan Collymore, James Lawton and stations like ITV and TalkSport take every opportunity to slate us when there are so many holes and contradictions in what they say or print. When it's Chelsea it gets sensationalised, when it's them it gets played down (though much to my amusement, it looks to be turning for Arsenal)

I don't like this term Top 4 - I always look at it as us versus Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal; they see us as a nuisance and we like being their nuisance.

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