Are the media getting to you?


Well-Known Member
19 Aug 2004
This isn't a "pull together" post or a "siege mentality" issue but the media coverage is jaw-droppingly vile not only because of the thoughtless, dismissive contempt towards our club but also because this arsehold attiude towards us is so widespread and apparently acceptable. Worse still, its impossible to avoid. I can switch SSN off and and Five Live and I'd rather be sucked out the door of a jumbo half way over the Atlantic than listen to Talk Shite but you still can't avoid. I'll be in the car listening to a discussion about the first 100 days of the presidency of Barack Obama and someone will suddenly interject something negative about City. It is not just the usual suspects, it is every fucker. Its upsetting me. That said, should we be letting them get to us?
I have been papers everyday religiously for years. I cant even be arsed buying one anymore. SSN after this week will not be watched. What a load of crap. This week has really pissed me off and this should unite (sorry to use the word unite) our club and fans. This could turn out to be a blessing in disguise for our team spirit.
I find it humorous the way we are being treated. I have never seen grown-ups acting so jealous. The "journalist" from the NOTW who was on Sky this morning is an embarrassment to the paper (if that is possible). Talking about how dare City question the all mighty AC Milan, AC Milan would never act in a non-businesslike manner. Pathetic. An very negative, lets hope that when we come to fruition we will give these "journalist/opinion-ist/speculators" the cold shoulder when they need a story.
Pezzer2 said:
I have been papers everyday religiously for years. I cant even be arsed buying one anymore. SSN after this week will not be watched. What a load of crap. This week has really pissed me off and this should unite (sorry to use the word unite) our club and fans. This could turn out to be a blessing in disguise for our team spirit.

Same as you, given up on the papers now.
Nah. If there's an interest in something, and not enough information to feed it, people will make stuff up. It is quite informative to see what they make up, as it gives you an insight into their character.

It is just like bluemoon really. I personally always take my 'City' with a huge pinch of salt as it avoids crushing despair when stuff doesn't work out. Therefore, I'm willing to believe at the drop of a hat without any evidence that the reason for us failing in the Kaka Fracas is because the entire club cumilative i.q. would give Homer Simpson a run for his money. Bluemoon give me a forum to publish this nonesense.

If I were a journo, it would be my job to fill the information void with nonesense - so I'd almost certainly end up writing a 'comedy city' angle at some point.

Those who write the 'ruining football' angle are just lazy. There's no agenda - just reactionary populist tripe. It isn't a City thing - really. For 'ruining football' substitute 'bring back hanging', 'asylum seekers ate my hamster', 'fat cats party whilst working men eat cardboard', 'the French want to steal our babies' etc etc etc.

To write the 'City are Pants' article- well there you really do have substance issues.

So, don't let it bother you - it is not really anti City.
Pam said:
This isn't a "pull together" post or a "siege mentality" issue but the media coverage is jaw-droppingly vile not only because of the thoughtless, dismissive contempt towards our club but also because this arsehold attiude towards us is so widespread and apparently acceptable. Worse still, its impossible to avoid. I can switch SSN off and and Five Live and I'd rather be sucked out the door of a jumbo half way over the Atlantic than listen to Talk Shite but you still can't avoid. I'll be in the car listening to a discussion about the first 100 days of the presidency of Barack Obama and someone will suddenly interject something negative about City. It is not just the usual suspects, it is every fucker. Its upsetting me. That said, should we be letting them get to us?

Look at it this way Pam....theyre getting at us because we are ruffling their feathers..

Dont see it as a negative....More as a positive..theres a famous saying !!!

"Its better to have people talk behind your back than not to talk about you at all."
Try to forget about the media. The fans and the team must put all their concentration into supporting the team and winning games respectively. If we do this then the media will soon shut up. At the moment, we have not proved to them that we are going to be any different from the rubbish we have served up for the last 30 years or so. We are still just a few points above the relegation zone and are therefore remain an any easy target for ridicule even with our new financial resources. Once we move up that league, the media in the UK and now also in many other parts of the world, will have to take us seriously. When you read the views of so many City fans on various forums saying how crap we are or have been in the past (which is mainly true anyway) then we cannot expect outsiders to give us any credit either. The good news is that I firmly believe we can now make that big step up with strong additions to the squad and, being absolutely honest, this is the first time in my life as a City fan when I really believe we can challenge for the top in the future. So cheer up and let's cheer our team onwards and upwards........remember what Barack Obama says......yes we can!!!!!....sorry about that last bit....I got carried away.
Yeah, I am a bit pissed off with the meeja TBH. I don't think anybody likes seeing the way the press/TV/radio have torn into us this last few days in particular.Here's hoping we can shove their words down their throats in the next few months and years.

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