Are we done booing the CL Anthem?


Fact is, many on here care about themselves more than the club.

Sign of the times, I want to so I will, the curse of social media.

The actuality is that we ARE the club. We were here when we were shit, we'll be here when we drop from our current giddy heights.

The question I have to ask you. With all that is recorded about how much UEFA have tried to kill us, why WOULDN'T you boo?

Fact is, many on here care about themselves more than the club.

Sign of the times, I want to so I will, the curse of social media.
We're you in Istanbul?
Did you book for the Russian fiasco only to lose out financially and then see thousands of their fans at the behind closed doors match ?
We're you a fan when they charged us with made Ffp shite and allowed uefa members to leak confidential information to the media ?
What are your thoughts on an opposition club being fined less because their fans racially abused City players than City got for being 1 minute late for the 2nd half ?

Social media and my own eyes made me aware of all those issues and many more.
We're you in Istanbul?
Did you book for the Russian fiasco only to lose out financially and then see thousands of their fans at the behind closed doors match ?
We're you a fan when they charged us with made Ffp shite and allowed uefa members to leak confidential information to the media ?
What are your thoughts on an opposition club being fined less because their fans racially abused City players than City got for being 1 minute late for the 2nd half ?

Social media and my own eyes made me aware of all those issues and many more.
Dynamo Kyiv fans being banned from their home leg in the Ro16, for racist chanting during the Group Stage, only to pull City out in the draw and that ban mysteriously disappeared and the stadium was full.
City given a warning for our fans chanting ‘you’re not incredible’ at Hulk yet racist chanting from other sets of fans has been ignored at times.
City given a warning for our fans throwing bits of screwed up paper that were used as a pre-game display yet racist chanting from other sets of fans has been ignored at times.
Increasing the number of games in the competition from next season onwards, which may possibly see the end of the EFL Cup (that increase possibly helping many old G-14 clubs if they finish lower down in their leagues with 5 CL spots going to some leagues - Liverpool finished 5th last season and would have helped them this season!)
City working with UEFA on a report we had to provide about FFP, only for UEFA to move the goalposts without telling us and it meant we failed FFP.
UEFA working with Der Spiegel in a hacking scandal and cropping, copying+pasting different bits of different emails together and trying to say that was evidence for City breaking financial rules. They tried to ban us from Europe for two years over this!
And as much as UEFA (and City to be fair) want to brush this under the carpet, I will mention again; the abhorrent organisation and treatment of City fans at the final in Istanbul.
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Fact is, many on here care about themselves more than the club.

Sign of the times, I want to so I will, the curse of social media.
We care about ourselves because it appears UEFA (and even City) don’t.

We care about ourselves and also care about others who were elderly, disabled or have long term illnesses (or even young fit lads who this would also have affected) who had all water taken off them so that they couldn’t drink anything for up to and over 8 to 12 hours in a baking hot country.

We care about ourselves and also care about others who were elderly, disabled or have long term illnesses (or even young fit lads who this would also have affected) who had to be kettled in baking hot overcrowded buses for hours on end.

We care about ourselves and also care about others who were elderly, disabled or have long term illnesses (or even young fit lads who this would also have affected if they had tripped over) who had to walk across a rubble site for hundreds of yards to get to a football stadium. People on crutches and in wheelchairs also had to do this.

We care about ourselves and also care about others who were elderly, disabled or have long term illnesses (or even young fit lads who this would also have affected if they had tripped over) who had to wait for hours in the pitch black with no lights for buses that hadn’t even turned up yet and when they did there were thousands trying to get on a few buses that held around 50 people… all while the UEFA delegates and City boardroom were whizzed away in big cars through a private exit and down a private road and probably got back to their hotels in less than half an hour while some City fans didn’t get back to theirs until about 4am. This was on that same rubble site that anyone with an injury or in a wheelchair also had to get back on and try and get across to get on these buses where there were scrambles to get on.

The boos the other night should have been the biggest they’ve ever been. And the City boardroom should know they are also in part aimed at them because of their total lack of appreciation and reaction over what City fans went through that night in Istanbul.
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We care about ourselves because it appears UEFA (and even City) don’t.

We care about ourselves and also care about others who were elderly, disabled or have long term illnesses (or even young fit lads who this would also have affected) who had all water taken off them so that they couldn’t drink anything for up to and over 8 to 12 hours in a baking hot country.

We care about ourselves and also care about others who were elderly, disabled or have long term illnesses (or even young fit lads who this would also have affected) who had to be kettled in baking hot overcrowded buses for hours on end.

We care about ourselves and also care about others who were elderly, disabled or have long term illnesses (or even young fit lads who this would also have affected if they had tripped over) who had to walk across a rubble site for hundreds of yards to get to a football stadium. People on crutches and in wheelchairs also had to do this.

We care about ourselves and also care about others who were elderly, disabled or have long term illnesses (or even young fit lads who this would also have affected if they had tripped over) who had to wait for hours for buses that hadn’t even turned up yet and when they did there were thousands trying to get on a few buses that held around 50 people… all while the UEFA delegates and City boardroom were whizzed away in big cars through a private exit and down a private road and probably got back to their hotels in less than half an hour while some City fans didn’t get back to theirs until about 4am.

The boos the other night should have been the biggest they’ve ever been. And the City boardroom should know they are also in part aimed at them because of their total lack of appreciation and reaction over what City fans went through that night in Istanbul.
Deserves far more than a like.
Most if not all of those deriding the booing of UEFA clearly weren't in Istanbul.
It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a miracle someone didn't die due to their gross incompetence which was arrogantly dismissed by Ceferin.
Afer been crammed onto a bus for 3 hours waiting to get of out of a poorly lit, pot hole ridden car park, I witnessed someone on my bus who was diabetic who would have gone into a diabetic coma had a fellow blue not had a drink to give them.
Also saw many of the incidents listed above that have also been well documented elsewhere.
If someone doesn't want to boo that's their choice but anyone criticising or complaining about those who do can get fucked.

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