Are you a Blue or a City fan


Well-Known Member
17 Dec 2008
I changed companys at work a while back. Where i've moved to there are a few mates i've known for years.
We travel all over the country with work and was in London last week in one of our offices, My mate was introducing me to a few new people when one of them asked him if i was "A City fan" he repleid no he's "A Blue".
City with strangers, Blue when introducing a city mate to a friend. It actually pisses me right off when this lad I know refers to Bristol City as City coz it isnt right that. There's only one City and they're from Manchester!
DaveH said:
I changed companys at work a while back. Where i've moved to there are a few mates i've known for years.
We travel all over the country with work and was in London last week in one of our offices, My mate was introducing me to a few new people when one of them asked him if i was "A City fan" he repleid no he's "A Blue".

i'm a city fan, we sometimes play in white:)
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Out in the wide, bad, Rag-infested world, it's City. The rest of mankind know there's only one City. But talk in micro-ese, then I'm blue.

^^^pretty much nailed it^^^.
I had knee surgery on Thursday and on Friday I had an appointment with my physio. She came into my room with red crutches, she saw me look at these red crutches and immediately said "have I insulted you with the colour of these crutches, are you a blue?" I said "yes I am, but I don't suppose you do 'em in blue, do you?" she said "yes, I'll go and get you some". She came back ten minutes later with some nice blue ones. She was a Everton fan and admitted that she disliked the rags immensely!
charliebigspuds said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Out in the wide, bad, Rag-infested world, it's City. The rest of mankind know there's only one City. But talk in micro-ese, then I'm blue.

^^^pretty much nailed it^^^.
I had knee surgery on Thursday and on Friday I had an appointment with my physio. She came into my room with red crutches, she saw me look at these red crutches and immediately said "have I insulted you with the colour of these crutches, are you a blue?" I said "yes I am, but I don't suppose you do 'em in blue, do you?" she said "yes, I'll go and get you some". She came back ten minutes later with some nice blue ones. She was a Everton fan and admitted that she disliked the rags immensely!

Gave me 50th pint of blood some time back, and asked the male nurse, as it was the 50th, was there summat yer could add to turn it sky blue, just fer once! He was a blue, and went round the session suggesting to everyone that I should be treated like royalty, with blue blood running through me veins.

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