Armani acquitted of all charges (update p21)

Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

I'm very sad to read this.

Very best of luck Armani and very best wishes.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Perhaps alerting the MEN of this disgusting issue might help raise awareness. Enthralling news story, manchester related, more football fans would read it.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

The police there are incompetent and corrupt, hopefully due to the publicity of this justice will prevail. Good luck Armani.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Shocking story, seems corruption is still rife over there. Met Armani a couple of times when he was over a few years ago, and he's one of the nicest guys you could wish to meet. Hope justice will prevail.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

I am absolutely disgusted by this. The guy is an angel tainted by devils!!! Tries to do good and is punished for it. I hope that bitches pussy falls off!!!!
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Disgraceful actions by the SL authorities, and as has been said, it will certainly (and sadly for those that require it) lead to people thinking very carefully about providing assistance to the wonderful people of Sierra leone.
I am lucky enough to have two of the engraved wooden plaques from Sierra Leone in the house and have been lucky enough to meet Armani a few times. Anything I can do, just ask lads.
Re: Armani - Sierra Leone

Anyone have any idea just how much it would cost to pay for a better defence lawyer, bearing in mind it's Sierra Leone and not the UK?

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