Arsenal/Wenger - What next?

How many times has he spent big though? Henry was about £12 million, Wiltord a similar amount and I think Reyes was dearer. Reyes didn't quite cut it but Henry was the dogs and Wiltord was a good player for them

I wasn't really arguing your 'struggling to spend point' - that's seemingly obvious, more the 'often spends poorly' remark that although is right in a way, I don't think you can dismiss Wenger's transfer dealings quite like that, as for the amounts he's spent he's been pretty exceptional over the years.
The Fat el Hombre said:
How many times has he spent big though? Henry was about £12 million, Wiltord a similar amount and I think Reyes was dearer. Reyes didn't quite cut it but Henry was the dogs and Wiltord was a good player for them

I wasn't really arguing your 'struggling to spend point' - that's seemingly obvious, more the 'often spends poorly' remark that although is right in a way, I don't think you can dismiss Wenger's transfer dealings quite like that, as for the amounts he's spent he's been pretty exceptional over the years.

Agreed - I think anyone who tries to assert that Wenger doesn't have an eye for a top player is being a bit disingenuous or a bit biased.

Going back to my OP - I think the core question which has never really been answered is whether the last five years of frugality on Wenger's part was a conscious decision by him, or whether he was actually hamstrung by the club's finances and much like Fergie recently, has decided that rather than complaining about a lack of funds, to spin it like it's his decision.

What Wenger has continually done, which all great managers do, is make his 'team' greater than the sum of it's parts. Not just on a small scale, but on a grand scale. I personally think any Arsenal fan who thinks he should be sacked or should leave, need their head testing. Equally, I believe that Wenger needs to once and for all address the lack of experience and leadership in his team.

It's also worth noting that Arsenal have a wage structure which is much lower than that our Chelsea's, United's, or ours....
There are many similarities between Wenger and Baconface - both have an eye for a player, both know how to play football, both respected by their players, both can make the whole greater than the sum of the parts, etc.

However there are two crucial differences. Baconface has the ability to instil a killer instinct into his teams that Wenger either never really had or had and has lost. Plus Baconface knows when to cut his losses on a player that won't fit into his ethos and is ruthless in weeding them out. Wenger persists with losers for far too long.

I think he's lost the enjoyment for the game that Baconface still has and Arsenal should get rid.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I think he's lost the enjoyment for the game that Baconface still has and Arsenal should get rid.

Hmm, I'm not sure about that. I think maybe he needs to accept that that particular group of players are done and he probably needs to overhaul that squad. I think it's a little early to question his appetite for the game - if anything I think failure can make a manager even hungrier. Certainly one who knows what it's like to win things...
Tbh..we are now more likely to win titles in the future than Arsenal.

Every year they fail to win a trophy will just lower the players confidence and they give up hope.

Thats why i think Nasri for example could leave. And fabregas certainly wants to leave.

We will overtake them i believe.

Most of their players would probably jump ship to City in the summer, if they had the chance. Thats the kind of situation they are in. And we are :D
if we win tomorrow to go above them in the league
and hold onto it at the weekend
i genuinely beieve it will be a very symbolic leap
we will from then onwards always be above arsenal
(unless they have the fortune we did with our new owners)
they will never be able to compete with us again
in fact
if they do finish fourth
imagine the confidence of their team next year
the end to this season has really hurt them
they might not be strong enough to even get through the cl qualifers
and it'd be seriously downhill from there with that loss of revenue
so maybe it doesn't really matter whether wenger leaves or not
there are surely only three teams that can win the league next year
and we are one of them
how nice!
BillyShears said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
How many times has he spent big though? Henry was about £12 million, Wiltord a similar amount and I think Reyes was dearer. Reyes didn't quite cut it but Henry was the dogs and Wiltord was a good player for them

I wasn't really arguing your 'struggling to spend point' - that's seemingly obvious, more the 'often spends poorly' remark that although is right in a way, I don't think you can dismiss Wenger's transfer dealings quite like that, as for the amounts he's spent he's been pretty exceptional over the years.

Agreed - I think anyone who tries to assert that Wenger doesn't have an eye for a top player is being a bit disingenuous or a bit biased.

Going back to my OP - I think the core question which has never really been answered is whether the last five years of frugality on Wenger's part was a conscious decision by him, or whether he was actually hamstrung by the club's finances and much like Fergie recently, has decided that rather than complaining about a lack of funds, to spin it like it's his decision.

What Wenger has continually done, which all great managers do, is make his 'team' greater than the sum of it's parts. Not just on a small scale, but on a grand scale. I personally think any Arsenal fan who thinks he should be sacked or should leave, need their head testing. Equally, I believe that Wenger needs to once and for all address the lack of experience and leadership in his team.

It's also worth noting that Arsenal have a wage structure which is much lower than that our Chelsea's, United's, or ours....

What purpose would be served by Wenger complaining about a lack of funds other than alerting rival clubs, potential signings and current players to the club's financial vulnerability? I suppose he could have used his position to put pressure on the club to spend money they haven't got ala Redknapp, but I'm guessing he cares too deeply about his club to go down that route (see Portsmouth's plight), so he's taken the blame on his own shoulders, which shows him to be a top manager and a very decent bloke in my eyes, and Arsenal fans who want rid of him should hang their heads in shame imo.
Wenger is one of the very few managers in Premiership football who has built his team around a financially sustainable model. I think people underestimate this hugely.

I think to get rid of Arsene would be a mistake. You look at how well they do year in, year out with only a fraction of the money spent by teams like us and Chelsea and you realise how well he's actually done. Every season they are 'there or there abouts'. They are just never quite 'there'. If Arsenal had a bit of luck swing their way one season they wouldn't have gone trophiless for as long as they have.

I firmly believe that to get rid of Wenger would signal the downfall of a system that has worked well for Arsenal over the past 2 decades. Their fans might be surprised by how much they might descend the ranks of English football without him.

Tactically, he's made a few questionable decisions over the years, but the teams he builds will always keep Arsenal around the top. This is his major attribute. Arsenal, as a club, are simply waiting for the day that the United's and Liverpool's of this world financially fall to ruin, which has to happen at some point. Whenever that day is, you can bet Arsenal will still be there to pick up the mantle. They'd practically only have competition from us.
Well some of them arent happy.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 000s-words</a>
I think Arsenal would be mad to get rid of Wenger. No matter what you say about him he tries and plays the game the way it should be. I think with the Injuries they got this season in key areas fucked them up this year was Arsenals best chance of winning the title. I still think they have a title in them. There only short a keeper a defender and another striker so 3 players short from winning the title in my view.

I wont write them off for next season and winning the title. IF they add well and hold onto whats there they are contenders. If they sell Fabregas there will be the guts of £40 to £50 million to improve there squad maybe like when Wenger sold Anelka few years ago they built a brilliant team out of that money and success followed the same can happen again with Wenger there. I dont think he has been given huge money to spend by the board over the years as if he was given money he would of bought a new keeper since Lehmann left the club.

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