Asylum Paintballing Stockport


Well-Known Member
12 May 2009
Never going to this place again. Got given a prep talk about wearing your headmask at all times as it could result in your persons getting injured...which is fair enough. But you know how it is, when u get an itch, you need to scratch it. So when the guy had us all huddled up around him when he explained the rules I ever so slightly tilted my headmask to scratch my nose...(Bearing in mind the game hadn't even started yet...he was still explaining the rules)


*Fair enough I think to myself and walk off*

Took my headmask off behind a big wooden wall, an area which is completely safe from being hit from a paintball.


*I'm literally 2 inches away from the exit now, so I just carry on...*

So then, the next thing I know. This guy fucking manhandles me and almost knocks me to the floor. Then forces me to put the headmask on...I've now got a cut above my left eye. So in my defence I just gave him some verbal abuse and pushed him off me, didn't want to do anything to rash (Plus I'm 15, this guy was about 25+). Coincidentally, I was banned from all future games.

*I understand these guys need to do their jobs in protecting people but, Jesus forcing me to put on a mask and injuring me in the process...??* BELLEND.

What an absolute waste of my Friday night and waste of £20.

My dads in two minds whether to ring them up and demand for his money back or just tear the **** a new arsehole.

Just thought I'd share that, It has pissed me off as you'd imagine lol
Pretty tame considering the CEO is being hung,drawn and quartered upstairs.
got seven vip tickets. You always need your mask on because you never know. I shot a girl in her throat once she was on the floor chocking.

So best just to stick to the rules its a good laugh and doesnt hurt if your good :P
scottyboi said:
got seven vip tickets. You always need your mask on because you never know. I shot a girl in her throat once she was on the floor chocking.

So best just to stick to the rules its a good laugh and doesnt hurt if your good :P

Mmmm. what u using scottyboi, cotton balls?
paphos-mcfc said:
scottyboi said:
got seven vip tickets. You always need your mask on because you never know. I shot a girl in her throat once she was on the floor chocking.

So best just to stick to the rules its a good laugh and doesnt hurt if your good :P

Mmmm. what u using scottyboi, cotton balls?

I mean dont get hit if your good lol. I shot the other girl in her nipple straight up she even came over and slapped me lmao.
First time i played i ran in slipped and tyre wall fell on me i was fucked lol.
i went there bout 4 week ago, and exactly the same thing happened 2 me, was walking out at end off the game and took my mask off, as the game had finished, n the guy went beserk. told me, i wasnt playing anymore. wasnt really arsed, as it was a pile off shit. paintball is 4 outdoors, not indoors
I use asylmn regularly.

You prolly don't understand the probs with ppl taking thier mask off, it would only take 1 "incident" and thats his livley hood gone.

The number of idiots who can;t understand "keep your mask on until well inside the safety area" is staggering.

You also have to try and remember that the ball is traveiling at 300 fps, thats quick, and if it hits you in the eye, you would sue the arse of him, so he can't win really can he.

Having never met you I cant quantify you in any way an idiot, but I have seen at that site ppl doing the above.

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