At work...


Well-Known Member
15 Sep 2009
How are you lot coping at work today? People are just starting to trickle in and its gonna be so hard to go the whole day without lamping some armchair, plastic rag twat.

"We are going to Wembley.." erm, not your fucking not, your going in the pub with the rest of your tourist wanker mates you tit.
Just remind them they have £750M debt growing at 6% per year.

My new favourite is:

"Throw your coins at Glazer not Bellamy".

There's so much you could say about there supporters and where they all come from.
There's so much you could say about the state of there ageing team and management with no money to replace them!

United are in deep crap and their time will come.
I was gonna wear my shirt in today but I've lost it

Thankfully on my course of 19 people, only 4 are football fans, and only one of them is a rag, so I have it easy.
Keep your head held high and as much as it hurts (which seems to be worse in the "cold light of day) be gracious in defeat.
Someone has taken the flag from behind my desk. I've already called the suspected culprit a rag **** and I have plenty else to say to the plastic ****hole, who I know for a fact supported Burnley when he was a kid.

As I said on here last night, any prick can be a sore loser, but only a special kind of **** can be a bad winner.

Anyway, did anyone get a sympathy shag?
it's going to be hard. when city win nothing gets said. when we loose (which has been rare this season) every fucking muppet comes out the wood work - a celtic fan, west ham, a spurs, gooners and a few rags all start going on about the fact we lost - where were they 4 years ago when a loss was the norm? :(

What really does my head in is the fact the only fucking rag in the office has never been to the swamp! some fucking supporter he is.
Getting shit off 7 out of the 8 rags at work, the only one not giving it is the one with a season ticket at the rags, brought my ticket in to show this sad rag twats what one looks like shutting them up pretty quickly
Who's that creeping from the woodwork?
Who's that sailing on the sea?
Who's that creeping from the woodwork?
The united family

I've never felt terrorism was a great thing until I walked home through Stretford lastnight. Their support is just a bunch of posh kids and foreigners! Thankfully as they ran past I managed to crop a few, but it's a very tiny consolation.

But as they laughed and mocked lastnight I smiled, and I will do so again at work today. It took them, extra time and yet another 4-3 victory to beat us. We know who the force of the future is. OT will be a fucking car park in 10 years.


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