Balo: "I play for the best team in England. I want to stay"

The Fat el Hombre

Well-Known Member
20 Apr 2006
Near the bottom they try and get something about him moving to Italy but the City quotes are great. Good lad. To think people wanted him out of the club just a couple of months back. Idiots

Mario Balotelli has stated that he is ready to lead the Italian attack, that he’s not crazy and that he has no intention of leaving Manchester City.

Speaking from Italy’s training camp at Coverciano on Wednesday, the controversial striker covered a variety of subjects when questioned by the media.

Balotelli is now expected to be thrust into the first team plans of Cesare Prandelli ahead of Euro 2012 following the loss of Antonio Cassano and Giuseppe Rossi.

Cassano is recovering from minor heart surgery, while the Villarreal forward is set to be out for six months after damaging knee ligaments.

“I always feel ready to play, perhaps it is the people who don’t think I am,” the former Under-21 international stated.

“The Coach is expecting a lot from me, but he expects the same from Rossi and Cassano. It all depends on me.

“Cassano is one of the greats and he’s showing that he’s one of the best. I’ve also played well with Rossi. Us three could go down in history because we are strong.

“The national side represents my country, us Italians and it’s the most beautiful thing in football.

“I feel no pressure,” he added. “It’s only a football match. There is no pressure. I haven’t scored for Italy yet? I need to wake up…”

Balotelli regularly finds himself in the news, but not necessarily for his actions on the field of play for club or country.

“In Italy and in England there is the tendency to write more about my private life than what I do on the pitch,” he added.

“There are some newspapers that suck. They speak when they shouldn’t, they say things that are not true. It’s worse in England than it is here.

“People say that I’m mad, but I just enjoy myself. I’m not crazy.”

Balotelli joined Manchester City in the summer of 2010 from Inter and he maintains that he has no plans of an imminent return to the peninsula.

“I don’t miss Serie A at all. Zero. I’m very happy to be in England,” he insisted. “The Italian championship has dropped. The Premier is nice and I play for the best team in England. I want to stay there.

“The Premier League has taught me to run a lot more, to chase every ball that I lose and to press opponents. I now play more regularly and this gives me more confidence.”

But when pushed on a possible transfer back to the Italian top flight, Balotelli added fuel to the fire which suggests that he will one day play for Milan.

“Where would I go if I went back? To Lombardy,” he smiled.

“I like Milan, they are a great club. They have had many champions play for them in the past and they still do. Players whom I would like to play with.

“I could return to Inter one day if certain things were in place. It would take an Inter side who were targeting the top, calm fans and people who don’t want to smash my car in the city centre.

“For now though I’m not thinking about leaving England.”

Italy face Poland on Friday, before hosting Uruguay in Rome next Tuesday.
mac said:
watch this get turned around in the press as per f*****g usual

What ? You mean like this ?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -balotelli</a>?
Hamann Pineapple said:
mac said:
watch this get turned around in the press as per f*****g usual

What ? You mean like this ?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -balotelli</a>?

Mario Balotelli attacks English newspapers and insists: 'I'm not mad'
• Balotelli says image created by English press is unfair

Mario Balotelli has criticised the English press for the focus on his off-field behaviour.
Mario Balotelli claims his actions off the pitch receive more attention than his achievements on it, and has criticised English newspapers for the way they focus on his private life.
Speaking ahead of Italy's friendlies against Poland and Uruguay, the Manchester City striker said he was frustrated by his media image, but insisted he was enjoying both his life and his football in England.
"They tend to talk more about my private life than what I do on the field," said Balotelli. "This is normal, but I get tired of it. And if I didn't do the things I do, I would be bored.
"I'm not mad, not at all – even if sometimes I do things that are a bit strange. English newspapers like the Sun are worse than the Italian ones. A newspaper that puts naked ladies on the front cover …"
Balotelli said he felt he has improved as a player since moving to England, citing the influences of both the City manager, Roberto Mancini, and Italy's Cesare Prandelli. "They brought me calmness and helped me from a tactical perspective. I feel like a centre-forward, but I can also play on the wings.
"English football taught me the pressing game and to chase opponents when I lose the ball. I don't miss Italian football, the level there has fallen a long way, while English football is beautiful and enjoyable."
Nevertheless, Balotelli refused to rule out an eventual return to Serie A.
"If the conditions were right I would even return to Inter. If the club was aiming high and the fans were calm [about the idea]. How close was I to a move to Milan [in the past]? I don't know. But I like Milan and I won't hide that fact, they are a great club and they have a team with many champions in which I would like to play. For now, though, I am happy in England. We have a great team at City."
Turning his attention to Italy's forthcoming games, Balotelli said he was ready to carry the country's hopes up front in the absences of Antonio Cassano and Giuseppe Rossi.

"It is time for me to show up for the Azzurri, I haven't scored a goal yet and the national team is the most beautiful thing for a player," he said. "[But] I am not nervous about this friendly, it is just a football match. The only time I have been nervous before a match was the Champions League final and then I didn't even play. Is there pressure on me? That's always there. I am ready to assume responsibility."
Questioned on whether he, Cassano and Rossi could eventually play together for the national team, he added: "Why not? We are strong. We can make history."
Balotelli was also asked about the racist abuse he has received in the past from certain Italian supporters.
"I hope things won't be like this any more, but if there are ignorant people there is not a lot we can do," he said. "I can only hope certain things won't be repeated."

I bet The Sun doesn't quote that bit in bold . . .
Balo: "I play for the best team in England. I want to stay"

Good stuff from Balo, if he stays with us for another couple of years we will see the absolute best of the lad.
Re: Balo:

Rammy Blue said:
Good stuff from Balo, if he stays with us for another couple of years we will see the absolute best of the lad.

I'm hoping he'll be staying a lot longer than that
Mario is just what the Premiership needs. He is what City need. The guy has charisma. He has bags of talent and can only get better. Other teams fans are clearly warming to him. The best thing of all... he is ours. Super Mario.
He's going to feel very confused when we go to anfield. The red scouse have really taken to him. I don't just mean on rawk either. A scouser I spoke to recently said people are bored of listening to dummies like michael owen trotting out regulation cliches and see Balotelli as a maverick who can also play. The comments regarding the s*n will just endear him to them even more.

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