Balotelli comes to rescue of bullied kid

Re: Mario Balotelli scores for schoolboys

Nelly's Left Foot said:
Pigeonho said:
More of this please, Mario. This plus vastly improved performances on the pitch and you will go up in many a (untinted specs) blues eyes.

3 threads mentioning this already and probably more to come.Does it make it more likely to be true if it gets repeated often enough?

Seems it has some believing it even though it's from the Sun!
My initial thought was that if Mario played for United, Bluemooners would instantly say this is pro-United bollocks to take the pressure off their controversial player. Then I thought 'why wouldn't it be true?'. He seems madcap enough to do such a thing, and lets be honest, whisking a mum and kid in your Masserati, who you have never met before and demanding a meeting with the head teacher is as mad cap as breaking into a prison! Its just positive mad-capness!
Re: Mario Balotelli scores for schoolboys

He obviously has extra energy...when he channel it to some propper stuff like this its great...over time deff gonna show that he's a good lad overall...just doesnt think things trough sometimes
I wish some people would retain a sense of balance when it comes to Mario.

The same people who dismiss any bad publicity by saying that the press make things up would do to remember that when reading stories like this.

I like him, and I want him to become a legend here, but he's starting to become a self-generating story conveyer belt. Not saying that's altogether a bad thing, as I remember only too well when we struggled to get a mention on Football Focus more than once a season, but let's remember when it comes to personalities like Mario the press are not remotely interested in whether what they are printing is true.

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