Balotelli comes to rescue of bullied kid

What people need to understand is that anything Mario does that's nice is bullshit but anything he does that's stupid is true.

Its like when the story about Tevez buying the tea ladies and ect behind the closed doors at City a 42" Plasma T.V each the same people who class all the good things about Mario as bollocks probably would do everything in their power to convince the people who believe there is some good in Mario to do the good things said about him in the press that this story about Tevez was true.
End of the day this story is a win- win... if he did it, he's made a kids day plus tried to help the kid be able to have a normal life, if it's not true then there's still some positive press about Balo (something which has been in short supply since he arrived)
lee-mcfc said:
lol ...postive story about city in "the sun"..must be true
..negative story about city in "the sun"...must be bullshit

Like I said yesterday re: the mirror

I have to turn the tv on before I even believe the tv listings in these rags.
Re: Mario Balotelli scores for schoolboys

Nelly's Left Foot said:
Strange that I heard this exact story months ago ( before Mario) about a different City player. I thought it might be true then but certainly not this time.

Your need to find fault and discredit this young man is rather worrying. It is well documented that even during his Inter days he used to suprise school kids with visits and hold football games with poor children. He also at the age of 17 founded a charity in South America for poor and disadvantaged children which he supports himself with his own money and goes there every holiday he has to help out by handing out food, clothes and scholarships. This is all BEFORE he came to City and he continues it all now.

But in your eyes this is all PR because he is a "bad boy" and is being told what to do by the club.

See this? This is the building of the school that Mario paid for at the request of one of his chosen charities, Network For Young People Affected By War. It's in the Sudan. Mario's friend is a former child soldier thus he got vigorously involved with this aspect of charity work.

This is him having a kickabout with Brazilian street kids, where he spent his Christmas with them a couple of years back, taking them all gifts:


He can't park though, so he's obviously a twat
Damocles said:

See this? This is the building of the school that Mario paid for at the request of one of his chosen charities, Network For Young People Affected By War. It's in the Sudan. Mario's friend is a former child soldier thus he got vigorously involved with this aspect of charity work.

This is him having a kickabout with Brazilian street kids, where he spent his Christmas with them a couple of years back, taking them all gifts:


He can't park though, so he's obviously a twat

The sooner we realise we dont actually know these players as people the better, all we know is the way the media make them out. Im gonna get slagged for this but, i was messing on utube and seen a ronaldo at home programme, he was prob my most hated football player until i seen this.A total diffrent person to what he is percieved, it was actually touching to watch, changed my opinion. Makes me laugh when people call balo, what you are like on the pitch is not what you are like in your own home, two totally diffrent things. The bad balo things are just because he is a young lad with money that most of us couldnt dream of having, im sure he has a great side to him as well, i believe this story.
One-dimensional? So I take it you give tramps a couple of tenners every time you walk past them in town too? Or build schools in Africa in your spare time? Or spend Christmas in run-down favelas in Brazil? If he is one-dimensional, then you must either be friends with the most exciting people in history or live in the circus.
Damocles said:
He can't park though, so he's obviously a twat

Was worried you wouldn't get to the important stuff after all that humanitarian waffle.
Re: Mario Balotelli scores for schoolboys

Skashion said:
CityChick said:
Dont sit on the fence. Tell me how you really feel ;)
Alright, I will. Footballers are not human beings and cannot possibly be more complex and multi-faceted than say the boundaries set by soap operas or tabloid newspapers. Balotelli is the very best example of this, he's simple and one-dimensional, he's an evil ****; sperm of Satan.
Get it out of you mate

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