Ban Glasgow Celtic & Glasgow Rangers for a season.....

Im not sure thats the answer but something needs to be done. It's only a matter of time before things spiral way out of control...which they probably have already. I mean fucking bombs sent to the manager of a football club? When it's all said and done it's just a game and there's absolutely no place in football for religion and all that bollocks.
Ban Celtic nothing.

Celtic fans been posting letter bombs and bullets to players and managers ?
Celtic fans fined last month by UEFA for sectarian singing ?
Celtic fans attacking managers on the pitch ?
Celtic fans posing outside other teams training grounds with imitation firearms ?
Celtic have a sectarian signing policy of 100 years not signing a specific religion ?

There is a severe problem with anti irish sentiment in Scotland, that is the root cause of the matter.

Galloway interviewed after the letter bombs intercepted puts it a bit more eloquently than myself ... &Itemid=58

all the best
Mad Eyed Screamer said:'s the only way to get through to their THICK sectarian fucking heads that this is no longer acceptable.........

Football is football, take your religion and stick it elsewhere, both teams supporters are an embaressment.......... fuck off and leave football alone...........

Sorry, but what exactly has what happened last night got to do with Rangers?

Should City have been banned for a season for the twat that ran on at Old Trafford and tried to crack Bellamy?
the "diddy" team fans in the spl always say it's a west of scotland problem which is a lot of rubbish. some of the most vile chants I've heard have been at grounds like tynecastle and fir park, "who shagged all the boys" and "watch those steps" to rangers fans.

Everything Around celtic and rangers gets escalated 10 folds. we seen the lennon mccoist spat around the world yet a worse one with the aberdeen manager and motherwell CHAIRMAN happened without any media attention and they got let off completely.
Unacceptable what is happening up there but Lennon has brought all this on himself, he looks, sounds and acts like a manager in charge of a rough pub sunday side.
WNRH said:
Unacceptable what is happening up there but Lennon has brought all this on himself.

He hasn't brought anything on himself, he is the manager of a football team and he over-reacts like a fan,he is a rookie in his first job at a club with massive expectations.

His antics on the side of a piece of grass should not determine him going home safely or going home to a call from the police saying they have another death threat.

How exactly did he bring it on himself this time? Celtic scored and a hearts fan thought it would be a good idea to punch their manager. that is it.they have done it before to Riordan of Hibs.

Lennon was getting targeted way before this season but then the lazy excuse was that it was because he is a snarly midfielder. Last time I checked nobody has tried to kill Barton,Keane and Kevin Muscat.
If this doesn't get sorted soon then I would suggest that the British Government steps in and sorts it out once and for all and sorts out all the nonsense in Northern Ireland at the same time.

Set a deadline of say 12 months for all Irish/Scottish Catholics and Celtic fans living in Scotland to move to Northern Ireland and all Irish/Scottish Protestants and Rangers fans in Northern Ireland to move to Scotland.

After 12 months anyone found to be in the wrong place gets deported and/or imprissoned.

Get it rattified by the UN and get the Americans on board and its a done deal. Its worked in other parts of the world where there has been similar shinanigans.
Dr Mick said:
If this doesn't get sorted soon then I would suggest that the British Government steps in and sorts it out once and for all and sorts out all the nonsense in Northern Ireland at the same time.

Set a deadline of say 12 months for all Irish/Scottish Catholics and Celtic fans living in Scotland to move to Northern Ireland and all Irish/Scottish Protestants and Rangers fans in Northern Ireland to move to Scotland.

After 12 months anyone found to be in the wrong place gets deported and/or imprissoned.

Get it rattified by the UN and get the Americans on board and its a done deal. Its worked in other parts of the world where there has been similar shinanigans.

HAHAHAHA and then repair Hadrians Wall to keep them all out
bhoywonder said:
WNRH said:
Unacceptable what is happening up there but Lennon has brought all this on himself.

He hasn't brought anything on himself, he is the manager of a football team and he over-reacts like a fan,he is a rookie in his first job at a club with massive expectations.
His antics on the side of a piece of grass should not determine him going home safely or going home to a call from the police saying they have another death threat.

How exactly did he bring it on himself this time? Celtic scored and a hearts fan thought it would be a good idea to punch their manager. that is it.they have done it before to Riordan of Hibs.

Lennon was getting targeted way before this season but then the lazy excuse was that it was because he is a snarly midfielder. Last time I checked nobody has tried to kill Barton,Keane and Kevin Muscat.

when i saw him walk off the pitch after the last game v rangers last month, cupping his ears, i lost all respect for him and i'm quite pleased it has come back to bite him

i dont care if its your first or last job, if you're in charge of a pub team or celtic, the manager does not and can not behave like that.

He needs to grow up and realise he must change his attitude before it's too late and something does happen to him or his family.

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