Ban Glasgow Celtic & Glasgow Rangers for a season.....

"get the Americans on board "

Could have sworn they were on board - usually funding the Catholic's
BlueKingEll said:
"get the Americans on board "

Could have sworn they were on board - usually funding the Catholic's

Exactly. That's why this wouldn't be as diificult as people might think. The US would happily be involved in any proposals to turn Northern Ireland Catholic effectively returning it to Eire. Come on Cammeron put in a couple of calls to O'Bamah and Banky Moon and get it sorted.

Blair tried and made a right balls of it. This could be your chance to sort it properly.

I don't think that Protestant bloke who shouted alot is around any more and the Catholic bloke with the beard and his mate out of the IRA who's now something in their government would definitely be up for it.

Blair messed up when he put that chubby lass, Molem Molem in charge of sorting it out. She wasn’t up to the job, she got poorly and all her hair fell out and then I think she died, unfortunately. Cammeron just needs to get the big guns in.

It would be quite easy to fix if you just get the right people on board. Get it right and it’s a win/win situation all round. The Scottish Catholics won’t be bothered about moving to Ireland as they are always waving Irish flags and banging on about what a great place it is anyway. The Irish Protestants won’t be bothered because let’s face it Northern Ireland is a bit of a dump and Scotland is much nicer. Plus I think house prices are quite cheap in some parts of Scotland.

The British government could do a deal whereby they hand Northern Ireland back but they could ‘borrow it’ from time to time for stuff like what they did with Australia. If you get caught breaking the law the police could get a bloke in out of the Catholic Church like a priest or something to turn you Catholic and then bung you on Ryan Air with a one way ticket. Not really sure why the British Government is that bothered about Northern Ireland anyway. It's not that it serves any purpose like other British countries abroad. The Falkland Islands are good because they are near Brazil and Gibralter at the end of spain is good because its hot and near Marbella. Plus its cool because you have to drive on the airport runway to get there. In Northern Ireland from what i've just seen on the telly the weather is really miserable and its not very safe.

It would deffo work and sort all the Football problems out in Scotland in one go. Celtic would effectively fizzle out because no one would be around to watch them. If you’re Catholic you’d need a Visa or work permit to get into Scotland and the borders would be policed as tight as gnats chuff like it was in Berlin with their iron curtains. Besides Celtic would just set up again in the Irish league and so unless the two clubs met in the Uefa cup or something then they would never play and even then it could be on neutral ground behind closed doors.

When you’re at the stage where football managers are being sent letter bombs then its time to say enough is enough and get it sorted.
Dr Mick said:
BlueKingEll said:
"get the Americans on board "

Could have sworn they were on board - usually funding the Catholic's

Exactly. That's why this wouldn't be as diificult as people might think. The US would happily be involved in any proposals to turn Northern Ireland Catholic effectively returning it to Eire. Come on Cammeron put in a couple of calls to O'Bamah and Banky Moon and get it sorted.

Blair tried and made a right balls of it. This could be your chance to sort it properly.

I don't think that Protestant bloke who shouted alot is around any more and the Catholic bloke with the beard and his mate out of the IRA who's now something in their government would definitely be up for it.

Blair messed up when he put that chubby lass, Molem Molem in charge of sorting it out. She wasn’t up to the job, she got poorly and all her hair fell out and then I think she died, unfortunately. Cammeron just needs to get the big guns in.

It would be quite easy to fix if you just get the right people on board. Get it right and it’s a win/win situation all round. The Scottish Catholics won’t be bothered about moving to Ireland as they are always waving Irish flags and banging on about what a great place it is anyway. The Irish Protestants won’t be bothered because let’s face it Northern Ireland is a bit of a dump and Scotland is much nicer. Plus I think house prices are quite cheap in some parts of Scotland.

The British government could do a deal whereby they hand it back but they could ‘borrow it’ from time to time for stuff like what they did with Australia. If you get caught breaking the law the police could get a bloke in out of the Catholic Church like a priest or something to turn you Catholic and then bung you on Ryan Air with a one way ticket.

It would deffo work and sort all the Football problems out in Scotland in one go. Celtic would effectively fizzle out because no one would be around to watch them. If you’re Catholic you’d need a Visa or work permit to get into Scotland and the borders would be policed as tight as gnats chuff like it was in Berlin with their iron curtains. Besides Celtic would just set up again in the Irish league and so unless the two clubs met in the Uefa cup or something then they would never play and even then it could be on neutral ground behind closed doors.

When you’re at the stage where football managers are being sent letter bombs then its time to say enough is enough and get it sorted.

Good idea mate...only one problem:

youre stark raving bonkers

entertaining though :)
bluetoo said:
Dr Mick said:
BlueKingEll said:
"get the Americans on board "

Could have sworn they were on board - usually funding the Catholic's

Exactly. That's why this wouldn't be as diificult as people might think. The US would happily be involved in any proposals to turn Northern Ireland Catholic effectively returning it to Eire. Come on Cammeron put in a couple of calls to O'Bamah and Banky Moon and get it sorted.

Blair tried and made a right balls of it. This could be your chance to sort it properly.

I don't think that Protestant bloke who shouted alot is around any more and the Catholic bloke with the beard and his mate out of the IRA who's now something in their government would definitely be up for it.

Blair messed up when he put that chubby lass, Molem Molem in charge of sorting it out. She wasn’t up to the job, she got poorly and all her hair fell out and then I think she died, unfortunately. Cammeron just needs to get the big guns in.

It would be quite easy to fix if you just get the right people on board. Get it right and it’s a win/win situation all round. The Scottish Catholics won’t be bothered about moving to Ireland as they are always waving Irish flags and banging on about what a great place it is anyway. The Irish Protestants won’t be bothered because let’s face it Northern Ireland is a bit of a dump and Scotland is much nicer. Plus I think house prices are quite cheap in some parts of Scotland.

The British government could do a deal whereby they hand it back but they could ‘borrow it’ from time to time for stuff like what they did with Australia. If you get caught breaking the law the police could get a bloke in out of the Catholic Church like a priest or something to turn you Catholic and then bung you on Ryan Air with a one way ticket.

It would deffo work and sort all the Football problems out in Scotland in one go. Celtic would effectively fizzle out because no one would be around to watch them. If you’re Catholic you’d need a Visa or work permit to get into Scotland and the borders would be policed as tight as gnats chuff like it was in Berlin with their iron curtains. Besides Celtic would just set up again in the Irish league and so unless the two clubs met in the Uefa cup or something then they would never play and even then it could be on neutral ground behind closed doors.

When you’re at the stage where football managers are being sent letter bombs then its time to say enough is enough and get it sorted.

Good idea mate...only one problem:

youre stark raving bonkers

entertaining though :)

Not bonkers at all mate and definitely not trying to entertain anyone. The problem is people trying to over complicate everything. Oohhh this Northern Ireland problem is just too complicated and too hard to fix and so nothing proper gets done. As Joe Mercer once said "keep it simple and do it quickly" and that's all that needs to happen in Northern Ireland otherwise someone's gunna get hurt over there. Or worse and someone at the Royal Mail sorting office in Glasgow gets his boots blown off.

Read your history books. Its littered with stuff about leaders who knew how to get things done. This is just another situation that needs to get nipped in the bud. Wasn't really arsed about it when it was just a bunch of Irishmen arguing amongst themselves but when it threatens to ruin football then something must be done. There are clubs in English football with strong Religious connections. We don't want this getting out of hand and spilling over into the Prem, especially now as City are just staring to get good.
Not bonkers at all mate and definitely not trying to entertain anyone. The problem is people trying to over complicate everything. Oohhh this Northern Ireland problem is just too complicated and too hard to fix and so nothing proper gets done. As Joe Mercer once said "keep it simple and do it quickly" and that's all that needs to happen in Northern Ireland otherwise someone's gunna get hurt over there. Or worse and someone at the Royal Mail sorting office in Glasgow gets his boots blown off.

Read your history books. Its littered with stuff about leaders who knew how to get things done. This is just another situation that needs to get nipped in the bud. Wasn't really arsed about it when it was just a bunch of Irishmen arguing amongst themselves but when it threatens to ruin football then something must be done. There are clubs in English football with strong Religious connections. We don't want this getting out of hand and spilling over into the Prem, especially now as City are just staring to get good.

Why not simplify it even further then? We could have a cull of anyone who might look as if theyre from Irish descent in Scotland...that would show the pesky Paddies huh?
bluetoo said:
Not bonkers at all mate and definitely not trying to entertain anyone. The problem is people trying to over complicate everything. Oohhh this Northern Ireland problem is just too complicated and too hard to fix and so nothing proper gets done. As Joe Mercer once said "keep it simple and do it quickly" and that's all that needs to happen in Northern Ireland otherwise someone's gunna get hurt over there. Or worse and someone at the Royal Mail sorting office in Glasgow gets his boots blown off.

Read your history books. Its littered with stuff about leaders who knew how to get things done. This is just another situation that needs to get nipped in the bud. Wasn't really arsed about it when it was just a bunch of Irishmen arguing amongst themselves but when it threatens to ruin football then something must be done. There are clubs in English football with strong Religious connections. We don't want this getting out of hand and spilling over into the Prem, especially now as City are just staring to get good.

Why not simplify it even further then? We could have a cull of anyone who might look as if theyre from Irish descent in Scotland...that would show the pesky Paddies huh?

Don't try and twist this. I've got no problems with who you are, where you are from, what your religious beliefs might be or anything like that. All i'm saying is that this sort of nonsense has no place in the context of football and that if you truly want to sort all this out before it really gets out of hand then you got to fix the bigger problem of northern ireland as well. If you don't then you run the risk of some Colin Moynerhan type idiot trying to ban football because of wider (none footballing) issues and using football as a scape goat to mask the true problem.

This isn't a footballing problem this is all about William of Orange sticking flags where they probably didn't belong and kicking off at the Battle of the Boing at Bannockbyrne in the middle ages or whenever it was.
This is easy to solve.

At the next old firm game when the ground is full just lock the gates and tell them all that there is no game and let them all kick fu*k out of each other.
Dr Mick said:
bluetoo said:
Not bonkers at all mate and definitely not trying to entertain anyone. The problem is people trying to over complicate everything. Oohhh this Northern Ireland problem is just too complicated and too hard to fix and so nothing proper gets done. As Joe Mercer once said "keep it simple and do it quickly" and that's all that needs to happen in Northern Ireland otherwise someone's gunna get hurt over there. Or worse and someone at the Royal Mail sorting office in Glasgow gets his boots blown off.

Read your history books. Its littered with stuff about leaders who knew how to get things done. This is just another situation that needs to get nipped in the bud. Wasn't really arsed about it when it was just a bunch of Irishmen arguing amongst themselves but when it threatens to ruin football then something must be done. There are clubs in English football with strong Religious connections. We don't want this getting out of hand and spilling over into the Prem, especially now as City are just staring to get good.

Why not simplify it even further then? We could have a cull of anyone who might look as if theyre from Irish descent in Scotland...that would show the pesky Paddies huh?

Don't try and twist this. I've got no problems with who you are, where you are from, what your religious beliefs might be or anything like that. All i'm saying is that this sort of nonsense has no place in the context of football and that if you truly want to sort all this out before it really gets out of hand then you got to fix the bigger problem of northern ireland as well. If you don't then you run the risk of some Colin Moynerhan type idiot trying to ban football because of wider (none footballing) issues and using football as a scape goat to mask the true problem.

This isn't a footballing problem this is all about William of Orange sticking flags where they probably didn't belong and kicking off at the Battle of the Boing at Bannockbyrne in the middle ages or whenever it was.

Likewise I have no problems with who you are mate....nor am I twisting anything....I'm just stating my belief that your 'solution' wouldnt look out of place in mein kampf and as such deserves derision.
Dr Mick said:
bluetoo said:
Not bonkers at all mate and definitely not trying to entertain anyone. The problem is people trying to over complicate everything. Oohhh this Northern Ireland problem is just too complicated and too hard to fix and so nothing proper gets done. As Joe Mercer once said "keep it simple and do it quickly" and that's all that needs to happen in Northern Ireland otherwise someone's gunna get hurt over there. Or worse and someone at the Royal Mail sorting office in Glasgow gets his boots blown off.

Read your history books. Its littered with stuff about leaders who knew how to get things done. This is just another situation that needs to get nipped in the bud. Wasn't really arsed about it when it was just a bunch of Irishmen arguing amongst themselves but when it threatens to ruin football then something must be done. There are clubs in English football with strong Religious connections. We don't want this getting out of hand and spilling over into the Prem, especially now as City are just staring to get good.

Why not simplify it even further then? We could have a cull of anyone who might look as if theyre from Irish descent in Scotland...that would show the pesky Paddies huh?

Don't try and twist this. I've got no problems with who you are, where you are from, what your religious beliefs might be or anything like that. All i'm saying is that this sort of nonsense has no place in the context of football and that if you truly want to sort all this out before it really gets out of hand then you got to fix the bigger problem of northern ireland as well. If you don't then you run the risk of some Colin Moynerhan type idiot trying to ban football because of wider (none footballing) issues and using football as a scape goat to mask the true problem.

This isn't a footballing problem this is all about William of Orange sticking flags where they probably didn't belong and kicking off at the Battle of the Boing at Bannockbyrne in the middle ages or whenever it was.

Likewise I have no problems with who you are mate....nor am I twisting anything....I'm just stating my belief that your 'solution' wouldnt look out of place in mein kampf and as such deserves derision.

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