Banning smoking in beer gardens

How rough is the Wirral if you lot think people eating rats at the side of the road is upmarket?

It really is grim downstream isn’t it, so sorry mate :(

I had to go under the water yesterday to run an errand. Someone was selling crisps at 50p a pack in the street.
I don't smoke, but this is clearly just nanny state politics that will damage large sectors of the hospitality industry. Their are things of greater importance that need addressing before nonsense like this.

Nanny state, fucking lol. Gets me every time.
As a publican, I agree that we should not be smoking around children. I also think smoking around people who are eating is not great. I am hoping the smoking ban will not be enforced in beer gardens where there is no food served and where children are not allowed in the pub.
Let’s make wet led pubs adult spaces only.
afuckingmen to that

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