Barca v City Post Match Thread

I've watched the game for a second time and it really is a crying shame that we came out of that game on the end of such a bad scoreline.

A few errors absolutely killed us. It's not even as if Barca did not make errors. Their keeper was a whisper away from gifting us a goal at the start of the game and for me struggled with his passing more than Bravo apart, of course, from the killer moment in the game. We did not make them pay for their errors but they crucified ours.

We had some of our most talented players KDB and Gundogan, for instance, make costly and unnecessary mistakes. The question is why did they make those mistakes and why has the team made so many fatal errors this season (not that it is a new phenomenon)? Is it a mentality thing? Is it a lack of concentration? Is it poor technique?

I've regularly over last few years questioned the mentality of the players but newer players like the aforementioned KDB and Gundogan made crap errors under not a huge amount of immediate pressure last night. Do we constantly buy bottlers?
Sorry Barcon, but I cant see how kicking the ball out is more of an error than what our keeper did. I defended Bravo myself last night but if you are going to attempt a cushioned sidefooted volley pass in that situation it has got to work or you are going to get flustered and handle it outside your area trying to retrieve the situation.

I didn't say that it was.

This is the your post that I was replying to.

Blue_eyes said:
Keepers were the difference tonight, theirs was unflustered and competent, ours, well pep did want to sign him didnt he.

I replied with this.

"Eh? He kicked the ball out to touch about half a dozen times in the first half".

I was saying that theirs was not unflustered.
Don't jump the gun there, integrating a player from South America who has never played in Europe and is 19 years of age? I think patience is imperative. Neymar was much further along by comparison and 21 years of age before he came to Barcelona and even then many questioned whether he could 'do it in Europe'.
That is a very good point, I have posted similar on the Jesus thread, somebody replied his mum his coming with him, so that's alright then? I still think patience is required with young guys from different countries/cultures coming to City.
Regards last night have watched the game, and agree with most on here that we were good (apart from bad finishing) up to Bravo' s concentration melt down, which leads me to a point. Imagine we are in a final, all is going well and Bravo does something similar, leading to defeat, it is not something to be ruled out, Pep needs to sort this, similar could have happened at the swamp with shrek!
Apart from that we play good football but need to be more ruthless with finishing :-)
I'm not convinced Jesus is a world class player. You can watch all his games(edited to show all his involvement) on youtube. He's got some way to go before I would put him in the world class tier of players.

I don't know if he will prove to be world class but he has been bought with that hope in mind and he has certainly demonstrated some high class skills; those two chips he did in the recent Brazil games were top drawer finishes.
4 typical city cock ups lead to 4 goals.

As an aside if that pen had gone in I'd have demanded a retake. I thought fringing your kick was banned?
But so is straying off you line which Willy did so be careful for what you wish for
My worry is now the home fixture. I was encouraged last night and would fancy us to get something at home but obviously we now have Willy in net who will proceed to dive over every shot on target.
Sure. Same Pique that was subbed off due to the injury sustained from Silva's foul?

The referee was the same one who was voted worst in WC2014. He was poor on the evening - apart from inexplicably waiting an inordinate amount of time to book Silva he failed to ever book Zabaleta who got away with mutiple fouls, including the shirt grab that is supposed to be an automatic. Moreover Sterling should've been booked for clearly taking Neymar out early on a mini break

Haha you got to laugh at the one eyed football fan. Agreed Zabs should have been booked and maybe Sterling too but you seem to be missing all the snide little fouls perpetrated by Barca players. Suarez for instance is another player in the Diego Costa mould who if properly reffed would probably see 2 yellows every game.

You won and fair play but your team, like ours, are no angels.
Yeah, that's the one. What's your point?

Point is, your post suggested he was feigning injury when in fact he was actually injured from the foul. Not that a booking is mandated when you injure another but the foul alone was bookable. However, intimating that Geri milked it is bonkers considering he had to be subbed off - are you implying that he feigned injury and being subbed off?

And as per persistent fouls, Suarez and Digne were at it all night without getting a card.

Suarez could've gotten a yellow, yes. Digne, not at all from what I saw. But based on consistency Zabaleta would've been sent off in the 1st half or had to have played differently after 1 booking. Same for Sterling. I would like consistency from a ref, not random bookings

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