Bavarian State Elections


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
For those interested...

ARD exit poll from Bavaria
CSU: 35.5
Greens: 18.5
FW: 11.5
AfD: 11
SPD: 10
FDP: 5
Linke: Out

And some background

Friendly reminder that the CSU was still at 40-42% just before Horst Seehofer presented his Masterplan for Migration to Angela Merkel and kicked off a near fatal and unnecessary crisis
Data. 180 000 CSU voters went to the AfD this time. 180 000 to the FW. 200 000 to the Greens. The CSU was caught in an electoral pincer hitting the German and European Centre Right. Move Hard Right and you lose centrist voters. Move too far Left and lose Right wing voters

AFD didn't poll as much as expected then?

Still it's a kick in the bollocks for Merkal.
AFD didn't poll as much as expected then?

Still it's a kick in the bollocks for Merkal.

CSU declared war on Merkel to position themselves on AfD territory and dropped 7 points in the state vote as a result. This has no effect at Federal level other than the CSU rethinking their strategy and possibly putting in new leadership more friendly to Merkel.

AfD were too busy setting up websites to allow school kids to rat out their teachers if they show pro immigrant tendencies. Not a joke :)
Latest polls in Hesse for State Elections on the 28th. Two main parties getting hammered. Greens doubling vote to 22%. AfD from 4% to 12%.


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