BBC's Panorama set to ruin Englands world cup 2018 bid.

We would have walked that bid if you rearrange these words.

envelope, Redknapp, cash, Warner, gives, Jack, in, an, 'Arry, to.
Re: BBC's Panorama set to ruin England's world cup 2018 bid.

now the program has been aired, their might be more than england turning on them, along with ireland, it would not surprise me if it was offered to england on a plate now, they will have three days to ponder on the consequences,it might just worry them enough to think it might go away, but we know what a set of bastards our media are? i mean the vice president of the world governing body fifa, flogging bent tickets and still holding a position of power, blatter and platini should resign along with warner and the other guys mentioned,the voting should be postponed for 3 months while a investigation by a independant body ie interpol is conducted, if they are innocent then they would have nothing to worry about and should be able to reapply? but their again gill might get on the commitee, god forbid? david dean would be my choice?
Re: BBC's Panorama set to ruin England's world cup 2018 bid.

mancunial said:
now the program has been aired, their might be more than england turning on them, along with ireland, it would not surprise me if it was offered to england on a plate now, they will have three days to ponder on the consequences,it might just worry them enough to think it might go away, but we know what a set of bastards our media are? i mean the vice president of the world governing body fifa, flogging bent tickets and still holding a position of power, blatter and platini should resign along with warner and the other guys mentioned,the voting should be postponed for 3 months while a investigation by a independant body ie interpol is conducted, if they are innocent then they would have nothing to worry about and should be able to reapply? but their again gill might get on the commitee, god forbid? david dean would be my choice?

Thats only half of it.
His son's ticket agency was the only one allowed to sell tickets for WC98 in Trinidad.

This website scrtches the surface, be prepared to be shocked.

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denislawsbackheel said:
I don't believe the unprincipled whores moaning on here.

FIFA is corrupt.
It needs exposing.
Do it for maximum effect.
Well done BBC I say.

Spot on. Justice and the truth are just as important as this bid.
cleavers said:
dell74 said:
Whether the bid goes in our favour or not.Once its signed off it is time to take these fkers to task. No more kowtowing just expose them.

Exactly the reason the BBC are wrong to do this programme this week....

ummm....self serving no?
cleavers said:
vivagne said:
It is absolutely right that corruption is discovered and brought to our attention. They are supposed to be guardians of the game.

I agree, but there's a time and a place, and 2 days before the decision wasn't it.
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you here Cleavers. If you're going to take a moral standpoint against corruption, you have to be in it 100% or not at all. Airing the programme after the vote would have been a completely toothless exercise as no one would have paid any attention to it. If we won the bid and then Panorama was aired, everyone would just shrug their shoulders as the corrupt bastards would have obviously failed. If we lost the bid and it was aired, it would be dismissed as sour grapes. This way, the BBC have put their cards on the table and are now daring FIFA to prove them wrong. It was exactly the right way to go about it, in my opinion of course.

Panorama hasn't cost the England bid anything whatsoever; corruption at the highest echelons of the game has. And if the mafia-like organisation charged with watching over the game seeks to collectively punish an entire nation for the actions of a single independent investigative journalist rather than at least attempt to address the root of his claims, then it is an organisation that we should want absolutely nothing to do with. Everyone who loves football should surely agree with that.
Dubai Blue said:
cleavers said:
I agree, but there's a time and a place, and 2 days before the decision wasn't it.
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you here Cleavers. If you're going to take a moral standpoint against corruption, you have to be in it 100% or not at all. Airing the programme after the vote would have been a completely toothless exercise as no one would have paid any attention to it. If we won the bid and then Panorama was aired, everyone would just shrug their shoulders as the corrupt bastards would have obviously failed. If we lost the bid and it was aired, it would be dismissed as sour grapes. This way, the BBC have put their cards on the table and are now daring FIFA to prove them wrong. It was exactly the right way to go about it, in my opinion of course.

Panorama hasn't cost the England bid anything whatsoever; corruption at the highest echelons of the game has. And if the mafia-like organisation charged with watching over the game seeks to collectively punish an entire nation for the actions of a single independent investigative journalist rather than at least attempt to address the root of his claims, then it is an organisation that we should want absolutely nothing to do with. Everyone who loves football should surely agree with that.

100% bang on the money, especially the bolded bit. I'm surprised more people on this thread can't see it this way. Why this programme ought to have any effect on the outcome is utterly beyond me, but shame on FIFA if it does. If this does influence the outcome then I guess any lingering hopes the Dutch had of hosting the tournament have gone out of the window too.

Re Cleavers - I'm very surprised with your opinion on this. I tend to agree with a lot of what you have to say but your first post about anyone who loves football should've refused to watch it is way off beam IMO. If anything, it should've been the other way round.
People who are willing to sacrifice freedom of the press because it is inconvenient to FIFA bidding neither understand journalism nor deserve a World Cup.


For too long, people have become lazy thanks to the tabloids and their pathetic form of journalism. Finally, we get two real, serious pieces of journalism in Wikileaks and the FIFA investigation and we slaughter them for it.

If you want to know why this country is fucked, and why Middle England is fucking stupid, watch the mock outrage at these two stories.

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