Bellamy on Radio 5 Live now

You could have added (De Jong) to the title of the thread and it would have been the 50th De Jong thread in two days!

I was wondering how long it would take Mr Bellamy to start talking!

What I dont undertstand is why in the football world a player can decide not to play again and yet when he moves still demand the same wages. (I know we wanted rid but it also applies to players who want to move.)

If I dont like my job and want to move I might have to take a pay cut. Surely that is my choice. Doesnt seem to work in football though....
He's been injured for Cardiff recently, only returning last weekend.

I don't remember him being injured under Mancini.

His grievances seem to be based on what could happened as a result of the sessions when in reality there was no problem.

This interview is no surprise, the bloke's got some serious issues. Talking about loyalty? Mancini picked him every week but Bellamy acted like a twat and then plays the victim when Mancini wants him out of the changing room.

Never his fault, he could have been a Scouser.
Could it be that my fellow City fans are finally waking up to what an obnoxious little shit this lad is? Talk about being slow on the uptake.
hgblue said:
Could it be that my fellow City fans are finally waking up to what an obnoxious little shit this lad is? Talk about being slow on the uptake.

I'm sure there are still quite a few that think he speaks nothing but the truth and would rather we'd got rid of the manager.
He was a massive cnut before he signed.

He still is.

Never understood the sucking him off. He is a poisonous, vile little toerag that's caused mayhem everywhere he's been, but with a nice line in charity fundraising for Sierra Leone.

Just because he gives money to a charity doesn't mean he's a nice bloke. I gave a tramp a quid today, and I can be a be a bit of a twat ;-)

Bellemy on the other hand is a monumental prick that can be quite troublesome on the wing.
waspish said:
The thing is he's still a city player and he's slagging the manager. Cretin

Excellent interview. For City he was a top player and top professional.He didn't excatly slag the manager off but just questionned why after such a good season he was no longer wanted in the squad. A fair question that the majority of City fans have also asked.That doesnt mean we are slagging the manager off.

But if you don't like him and just hear what you want to hear then fine.
Nelly's Left Foot said:
For City he was a ....... top professional.

Like when he was trying to tongue David Moyes in the tunnel after Mancini had his little spat?

Or the countless other niggles and problems he caused behind the scenes.

If you want to know why he was no longer required, simply ask the same question of every other club he's been at....nine I believe.
Prodigal Son said:
Nelly's Left Foot said:
For City he was a ....... top professional.

Like when he was trying to tongue David Moyes in the tunnel after Mancini had his little spat?

Or the countless other niggles and problems he caused behind the scenes.

If you want to know why he was no longer required, simply ask the same question of every other club he's been at....nine I believe.

With Moyes he was being a professional in defeat. Don't see the problem.And if you had listened to the full interview you might have learned something about some of those clubs and what happened. But maybe that would mean it might not be as easy for you to be as blinkered as you are.

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