Benefit Claimants Forced To Contribute To Their Council Tax

mekonmcfc said:
Council here in Brighton are a bunch of cnts, we have the highest parking and fine charges outside london,the government have told councils that if they want to up council tax by 2% then they have to put it local referendum.
So what did Brighton council do.??

Cnts raised it by 1.99%..

you live in Brighton !! well the council will have to pay for Brighton pride and your cottaging facilities somehow !!![/quote]

I should imagine that whatever the council pays towards Brighton Pride is more than made up for by the revenue it generates in terms of increased tourism and spending of the pink pound in local shops,restaurants,bars,hotels,nightclubs,guest houses and B&B's.
But don't let that inconvenient truth get in the way of your thinly-veiled homophobic rant.
Hamann Pineapple said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
We're due another poll tax riot anyway. The government need to be held more accountable for wasted money. I heard on Question Time the other night the last government wasted £39billion on defence spending. Actual wasted funds as in purchasing aircraft carriers that planes couldn't land on. How many of those MP's had a personal interest in the defence companies that benefitted. It seems to me the only solution they can come up with is to take a little from a lot leading to further poverty and unrest. Revolution is inevitable as the masses become more educated. Social media allows for more widespread communication than the government can now cope with.
Actually they purchased the wrong plane and originated back to the F35B due to a problem with the hook gear on the C version, the carrier is fine the plane was wrong

Oh that's not so bad then, they may be able to exchange them, did they keep the receipt ?
Oh and it was £100 million, im sure the receipt is somewhere but I dont think it will be much use trying to claim back money from the design side of BAE systems
The new breadwinner in the UK :

Here’s how a doctor explains it:

A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy

She said to me "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family."

I asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the State for the family.
It goes like this:

The Grandma calls the Department for work and pensions, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for all of her kids. DWP agrees, and tells her the children will need to go into foster care.

The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for £700 per child each month.
Total yearly income: £58,800 soon to become £67200 when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work! In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.
Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free council tax, free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eyecare and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits...

Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching £100,000 per annum which would require an income of around £148000 to create.

That's about my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in a central London teaching hospital.
Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family.

This is how the politicians spend our taxes. When this generous programme was invented in the '60s, the Great Society architects forgot to craft an end date... and now we are hopelessly overrun with people who vote only for those who will continue to keep them on the dole.....
No wonder our country is broke!

Are we alarmed yet, is anybody listening?

Sebastian J. Ciancino - Urologist,
Guys Hospital trust - London
Don't forget to pay your taxes!!
There are a lot of “breadwinners” depending on you!

W12 said:
The new breadwinner in the UK :

Here’s how a doctor explains it:

A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy

She said to me "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family."

I asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the State for the family.
It goes like this:

The Grandma calls the Department for work and pensions, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for all of her kids. DWP agrees, and tells her the children will need to go into foster care.

The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for £700 per child each month.
Total yearly income: £58,800 soon to become £67200 when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work! In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.
Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free council tax, free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eyecare and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits...

Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching £100,000 per annum which would require an income of around £148000 to create.

That's about my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in a central London teaching hospital.
Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family.

This is how the politicians spend our taxes. When this generous programme was invented in the '60s, the Great Society architects forgot to craft an end date... and now we are hopelessly overrun with people who vote only for those who will continue to keep them on the dole.....
No wonder our country is broke!

Are we alarmed yet, is anybody listening?

Sebastian J. Ciancino - Urologist,
Guys Hospital trust - London
Don't forget to pay your taxes!!
There are a lot of “breadwinners” depending on you!


The fucking woman. Not anymore.

Is any of that story actually true?
We are collectively suffering from the lost generation that were unable to find jobs or training in the late 70's early 80's, many of them are now unemployable.
That lost generations children are now leaving full time education and are looking for work, or apprenticeships or training courses, but there are very few if any available, so in twenty of thirty years time we will have the third lost generation.
The Bedroom tax is a scandal, and if the government are trying to even look serious about this then they would announce a large scale building programme for affordable social housing, managed by local authorities with all rents paid back into the fund set up to build the houses, one bedroom and two bedroom apartments for single people - couples, and a two bedroom apartment for a couple with one child.
The builders contracted to build these should have as a stipulation in their contracts that they will employ and train a %age of young people in apprenticeships in skills like roofing, brickies, plasterers, sparks etc, the local authorities managing these schemes will also have to provide training jobs for receptionists, typists, secretaries etc, give the young skills that they can use to better their lives, cut the housing benefit bill, cut unemployment, and the cost will be covered in future years as we no longer have to pay the mortgage of the buy to let shysters that took advantage[flash=][/flash] of the great housing clearance sale.
The vast majority of the money will go to paying compensation claims.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Fuckin hell there's pages of these fuckers who specialise in suing Councils
W12 said:
The new breadwinner in the UK :

Here’s how a doctor explains it:

A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy

She said to me "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family."

I asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the State for the family.
It goes like this:

The Grandma calls the Department for work and pensions, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for all of her kids. DWP agrees, and tells her the children will need to go into foster care.

The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for £700 per child each month.
Total yearly income: £58,800 soon to become £67200 when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work! In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.
Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free council tax, free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eyecare and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits...

Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching £100,000 per annum which would require an income of around £148000 to create.

That's about my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in a central London teaching hospital.
Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family.

This is how the politicians spend our taxes. When this generous programme was invented in the '60s, the Great Society architects forgot to craft an end date... and now we are hopelessly overrun with people who vote only for those who will continue to keep them on the dole.....
No wonder our country is broke!

Are we alarmed yet, is anybody listening?

Sebastian J. Ciancino - Urologist,
Guys Hospital trust - London
Don't forget to pay your taxes!!
There are a lot of “breadwinners” depending on you!


I would rather my Urologist be an expert in Urology rather be an expert in the benefits system.

But the real danger of rubbish such as this is that the valuble work that foster parents do is undermined and children desperatly in need of care end up in homes which cost even more than the figures the "expert" quotes in cash terms and far more in mental scars from not being part of a loving family.

What the supposed letter does is make fostering look like a cash cow and as im from a large family where around 10 of my aunts and cousins have fostered well over 100 children over the years i find it insulting to them. As a family we are used to having children around and because some members find it in there heart to give some love back to society they are in danger of being seen as moneygrabbers because of some nonsense concocted by an idiotic urologist

He should be fucking ashamed of himself
Rascal said:
W12 said:
The new breadwinner in the UK :

Here’s how a doctor explains it:

A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy

She said to me "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family."

I asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the State for the family.
It goes like this:

The Grandma calls the Department for work and pensions, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for all of her kids. DWP agrees, and tells her the children will need to go into foster care.

The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for £700 per child each month.
Total yearly income: £58,800 soon to become £67200 when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work! In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.
Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free council tax, free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eyecare and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits...

Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching £100,000 per annum which would require an income of around £148000 to create.

That's about my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in a central London teaching hospital.
Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family.

This is how the politicians spend our taxes. When this generous programme was invented in the '60s, the Great Society architects forgot to craft an end date... and now we are hopelessly overrun with people who vote only for those who will continue to keep them on the dole.....
No wonder our country is broke!

Are we alarmed yet, is anybody listening?

Sebastian J. Ciancino - Urologist,
Guys Hospital trust - London
Don't forget to pay your taxes!!
There are a lot of “breadwinners” depending on you!


I would rather my Urologist be an expert in Urology rather be an expert in the benefits system.

But the real danger of rubbish such as this is that the valuble work that foster parents do is undermined and children desperatly in need of care end up in homes which cost even more than the figures the "expert" quotes in cash terms and far more in mental scars from not being part of a loving family.

What the supposed letter does is make fostering look like a cash cow and as im from a large family where around 10 of my aunts and cousins have fostered well over 100 children over the years i find it insulting to them. As a family we are used to having children around and because some members find it in there heart to give some love back to society they are in danger of being seen as moneygrabbers because of some nonsense concocted by an idiotic urologist

He should be fucking ashamed of himself

I know you are the president, but if i might say so, speaking sense on here will not (sadly) stop the nutjobs believing everything that they read in the murdoch press (after all, he invented football in 1992 to sell subscription TV and any club that didnt win things in the first few years has no 'istree)

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