Benefit Claimants Forced To Contribute To Their Council Tax

law74 said:
The cookie monster said:
Them fostering figures are wrong you get a lot more than £700 a month
Even if its the grandma doing it.

Not in my experience, about £700 can be the rate, though it will depend on individual circumstances,

Are you a foster parent
You think £161 a week is the going rate?
£700 a month works out at £23 a day

My aunt had a girl with her who had been so badly abused by her mother she wet her bed on average 3 times a night. My aunt changed her bed everytime and nursed her back to sleep. Then in the morning sent her off to school and did the washing. This went on for months til my Aunt who was in her 50s then finally broke the rythym of the young girls problem.

That young girl is now in her late teens and is loved by our family and has grown up to be a nice kid.

All for £23 per day.

If it was £100 per day it would still be cheaper than a kid staying in an institution and nowhere near as productive.

The shite posted by W12 is dangerous propaganda that if became mainstream understanding of the problems could end up with thousands of kids on the scrapheap through no fault of there own.
The cookie monster said:
law74 said:
The cookie monster said:
Them fostering figures are wrong you get a lot more than £700 a month
Even if its the grandma doing it.

Not in my experience, about £700 can be the rate, though it will depend on individual circumstances,

Are you a foster parent
You think £161 a week is the going rate?

No but have experienced the amounts foster parents CAN get in certain circumstances.
law74 said:
The cookie monster said:
law74 said:
Not in my experience, about £700 can be the rate, though it will depend on individual circumstances,

Are you a foster parent
You think £161 a week is the going rate?

No but have experienced the amounts foster parents CAN get in certain circumstances.

The letter is a hoax,+&meta=

On a BNP website apparently
kippax_blueboy said:
law74 said:
The cookie monster said:
Are you a foster parent
You think £161 a week is the going rate?

No but have experienced the amounts foster parents CAN get in certain circumstances.

The letter is a hoax,+&meta=

On a BNP website apparently

Great work fella, thanks.

Lets hope W12 has the balls to apologise for posting such unadultereated shit
tidyman said:
CTID1988 said:
There was a woman on the new complaing about this, clearly just a lazy get who couldnt be arsed to work, saying she would struggle to feed her many younglings... then, without a hint of irony, it shows young Daz & Kezza sat on the couch each playing with an ipad.

Is there a way lazy bastards can be targetted without it effecting people who genuinely need benefits?

What a co-incidence that was and proves without any doubt everyone claiming benefits are scrounging scum.

I think they should bring a law in, prohibiting children of people claiming benefits from recieving Birthday or Christmas presents.

It's not very often I bite on here, but some people really need to think before they write absolute rubbish on here. I claim benefits, as I am a carer for my mum, who has MS and also my son who is autistic. I was working full time when I had my son, but due to his health, I had to put my life and education on hold. Just as he was settling in life and able to go to a childminder, so that I could go back to work and uni my mum's MS got worse and I had to care for her. I would love to get back to work, but the cost of getting someone in to care for my mum would be so expensive. So do not think that every person is the same who claims benefits as some of us are struggling so much, I'm on my arse with the rise of daily living. Paying extra for council tax every month is another cost that I just can't afford. But small minded people like you will probably think that I should work, and care for two people. My life is bloody hard. I have Alopicia ( and no I don't get benefits for having no hair) which is caused by the stress I have had over the past 8 years. Rant over!!!!
orange_wkd said:
tidyman said:
CTID1988 said:
There was a woman on the new complaing about this, clearly just a lazy get who couldnt be arsed to work, saying she would struggle to feed her many younglings... then, without a hint of irony, it shows young Daz & Kezza sat on the couch each playing with an ipad.

Is there a way lazy bastards can be targetted without it effecting people who genuinely need benefits?

What a co-incidence that was and proves without any doubt everyone claiming benefits are scrounging scum.

I think they should bring a law in, prohibiting children of people claiming benefits from recieving Birthday or Christmas presents.

It's not very often I bite on here, but some people really need to think before they write absolute rubbish on here. I claim benefits, as I am a carer for my mum, who has MS and also my son who is autistic. I was working full time when I had my son, but due to his health, I had to put my life and education on hold. Just as he was settling in life and able to go to a childminder, so that I could go back to work and uni my mum's MS got worse and I had to care for her. I would love to get back to work, but the cost of getting someone in to care for my mum would be so expensive. So do not think that every person is the same who claims benefits as some of us are struggling so much, I'm on my arse with the rise of daily living. Paying extra for council tax every month is another cost that I just can't afford. But small minded people like you will probably think that I should work, and care for two people. My life is bloody hard. I have Alopicia ( and no I don't get benefits for having no hair) which is caused by the stress I have had over the past 8 years. Rant over!!!!

Good luck to you mate. And I appreciate with the number of cranks on here, it ain't always that easy to differentiate. But I think you could do with brushing up on your irony spotting radar.
orange_wkd said:
tidyman said:
CTID1988 said:
There was a woman on the new complaing about this, clearly just a lazy get who couldnt be arsed to work, saying she would struggle to feed her many younglings... then, without a hint of irony, it shows young Daz & Kezza sat on the couch each playing with an ipad.

Is there a way lazy bastards can be targetted without it effecting people who genuinely need benefits?

What a co-incidence that was and proves without any doubt everyone claiming benefits are scrounging scum.

I think they should bring a law in, prohibiting children of people claiming benefits from recieving Birthday or Christmas presents.

It's not very often I bite on here, but some people really need to think before they write absolute rubbish on here. I claim benefits, as I am a carer for my mum, who has MS and also my son who is autistic. I was working full time when I had my son, but due to his health, I had to put my life and education on hold. Just as he was settling in life and able to go to a childminder, so that I could go back to work and uni my mum's MS got worse and I had to care for her. I would love to get back to work, but the cost of getting someone in to care for my mum would be so expensive. So do not think that every person is the same who claims benefits as some of us are struggling so much, I'm on my arse with the rise of daily living. Paying extra for council tax every month is another cost that I just can't afford. But small minded people like you will probably think that I should work, and care for two people. My life is bloody hard. I have Alopicia ( and no I don't get benefits for having no hair) which is caused by the stress I have had over the past 8 years. Rant over!!!!

No body except the people who run Manchester City Council believe you should be paying extra. The benefit has been reduced by the government on the council. It is the decision of the council to pass the increase onto you.
However, it's worth bearing in mind that Manchester City council do and will make a substantial contribution to 'Manchester Pride' which is and I quote:
'a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender life.'
Whilst I have absolutely no problem with this and diversity is the spice of life I do have to ask myself if people like you should be the ones forced to fund it?
Maybe worth bearing in mind at the next local council elections.
W12 said:
The new breadwinner in the UK :

Here’s how a doctor explains it:

A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy

She said to me "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family."

I asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the State for the family.
It goes like this:

The Grandma calls the Department for work and pensions, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for all of her kids. DWP agrees, and tells her the children will need to go into foster care.

The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for £700 per child each month.
Total yearly income: £58,800 soon to become £67200 when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work! In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.
Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free council tax, free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eyecare and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits...

Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching £100,000 per annum which would require an income of around £148000 to create.

That's about my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in a central London teaching hospital.
Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family.

This is how the politicians spend our taxes. When this generous programme was invented in the '60s, the Great Society architects forgot to craft an end date... and now we are hopelessly overrun with people who vote only for those who will continue to keep them on the dole.....
No wonder our country is broke!

Are we alarmed yet, is anybody listening?

Sebastian J. Ciancino - Urologist,
Guys Hospital trust - London
Don't forget to pay your taxes!!
There are a lot of “breadwinners” depending on you!


Coming to a Daily Mail ,near you .....the internet as much Misinformation as information .

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