Bereavement leave followng death of a pet

Nothing at all in the article about prior conduct. What was her attendance record like? Don't think you can judge whether or not her employer acted unfairly without knowing.
Her attendance record doesn't affect a request for bereavement leave. Where do you stop there? "Yeah, I know your mother just died suddenly, but you've had 4 days off sick this year so get your arse into work or you're sacked"? FFS, you deal with individual circumstances on their own merits.
Fcuk em, they're evil fcuking things
I've been feeding a neighbours cat that is always left out in all weathers. The first time I saw it it was malnourished and a bag of bones. I felt sorry for it. It's waits at my backdoor every morning meowing for food. My youngest daughter has named it sweets.

I feed it almost daily now and it knows where to come when it's hungry. I wasn't so keen on cats, but it's the only pussy I stroke at the mo.
As I haven't got a job and don't particularly want one I can get any leave, but if anyone does and you have a garden just cast a glance and see if any plants aren't blossoming as well as they do in the catalogues. I have a couple of hydrangeas at the front that are struggling. Had I got a job from which I could squeeze a bit of leave would a dying plant just be the reason I could offer my employer?
I agree, but there are strange and mentally ill people out there who feel as strongly about their cats as normal folk do about their dogs.

I know someone who left 675,000 in her will to the cats protection' and her family got fuck all
I’ve lost an Uncle, an Auntie and both Grandmothers as well as my dog. I was more upset about my dog dying than I was every one of those people apart from one of my Grandmothers.
Having a pet die can be like having a member of your family die, it hits some people hard. A decent employer would give someone time off if their Dog died surely?

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