Big Mals Cigar. Best of.

Mark - TheBlue

Well-Known Member
30 Nov 2008
EDGECROFT Try and get me shania twains number will ya.And dont forget to
polish your NHL puck now go and fuck a duck you day tripper.

That shed is like the one CHAZZMCFC keeps his wippet dog trixie in.Am sure i saw CHAZZMCFC the other day in his three wheeler van. Eating a pork pie for his breakfast with trixie in the back on the way to belle vue. It was fans like him who rated mark bowen as a coach which really got my back up.

GELSONS DAD Why dont you go and look through your photo album of phillip schofield's greatest moments in tv presenting you sour little man. i bet you w***k yourself off with a replica of gordan the gopher the puppet you sad little arsehole.

BLUEMOON stop trying to be a clever **** you know what a mean.Why dont you do us all a favour and go
and watch your emmerdale omnibus you have probably taped you sad twat with your cheshire flat cap on
while puffing on your pipe you eric pollard wanna be.

BLUE LIOYD is it not about time you took them boyzone stickers of your bedroom door you sad twat.
A bet you are one of CHAZZ MCFC's mates who goes to the games in the back of his three
wheeler van with all his cheshire flat cap mates and his wippet dog called trixie eating pork
pies for your breakfast you set of sad twats

On Henry Winter..
I shit the **** up big time on saturday because just before i took to my seat in the north stand
i thought i would have a walk around to the press box in the bell stand to see if the rag twat
was there.Anyway i could not believe my eyes when i saw him sat there just infront of jimmy wagg
and ian cheeseman and so i decided to stand WRITE infront of him until he made eye contact with me.
He looked at me three times and i did not say anything but just looked straight at him nodding my head
from side to side with a disgusted look on my face in disagreement in what he had said about are owners
at the press conference.I stayed stood there for a good 15 minutes while he had his head down typing
on his laptop with his ear phones in knowing my eyes were burning a hole in his head.He did not dare to
look up because he new i was just stood there with my norman bates look in my eyes and i could tell he
felt dead uneasy.

On Santa Cruz..
Dont mention that **** to me he runs like fucking C3PO out of fucking star wars

On Mark Bowen
I am still angry with bowen though because i still did not get chance to give him that flatcap to
cover the bald patch on his fucking head the silly twat that he is.I think the reason he had a bald
patch on his head was because he was always fucking scratching it because he did not know what
to do with the defence next.
ARMAAN mate dont worry about i get it all the time of the flat cap brigade the fucking stephen fry midde class
8O's SHORTS you just get back to brushing your chris waddell mullet whilst reading your smash hits magazine you
sad c**t
BLUEMOONMATT You fucking make haley cropper seem a normal person.
He is sadly missed. The number one member that brought humour to the board even in times of despair. Even if it is an alter ego, wish he would just come back and post as BMC :P<br /><br />-- Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:42 pm --<br /><br />[youtube][/youtube]
What about this legendary WUM thread?

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=172254</a>
LoveCity said:
What about this legendary WUM thread?

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=172254</a>

Still can't believe that made it to 133 pages.
Jim tolmie underpants why dont you go and give them underpants a clean you
sweaty ****.And to every other fucker on here i stand by the information that i have been told. I have known her for a number of years and belive she has no reason to lie to me.Mancini is not buying the players we have a continental set up now where the coach manages the team and the director of football buys the players.Brian marewood should not be underestimated and has alot of power within the club.He does look like a fucking penguin though does this marewod guy.

wtf lol.

that winter bit made me smile.
The best poster of all time, no argument. Remember after his Henry Winter stare-out claim there were pages and pages of anatomical debate on whether it was physically possible to 'nod your head from side to side'

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