Black Friday

If I could be so bold as to tell you about our hoover adventures in the past TCIB.

Many may think a hoover is just a hoover and that is not the case.
We bought a hoover ten years ago and it still to this day sucks and blows as good as the day it was whelped of the production line.

I speak not of a Kirby but of a Dyson.
Our DC10 has been a blessing to us and I do not think without it's help that I could spend so much time chatting sheet online.
It had an episode 8 months ago and so we just got the Dyson service man to mend it and replace it's tired out parts for the bargain price of £70
That includ3ed new hoses and filters and a few other things I have not the name for.
This machine I believe will dance the dance for another 5 years minimum.

This pleasant man this fine inventing humanoid should be knighted immediatly for his services to industry.
Never mindthat Bob I dont like Mondays anti establishment Geldoff bloke.

Firstly, may i thank you for what you consider a tl;dr version hehe, secondly thank s genuinly for the advice, thats all i want, a good solid thing that is built to withstand angry dog for up to 30 seconds until i can pull him of it. To be fair the other was 4yo and i'm not exactly light handed with the stupid effing thing either :-D

Hmm, no dogs like hoovers, i shall incarcerate him in case he spreads the word to others that if they just attack the fucker, it stops, non of this nipping at the nozzle end shite, bite the bit bit a lot until it falls apart.

Geldoff is a **** and needs to suck my socks, old ones not freshly washed ofc, in fact ones you thought were ok for a second wear but at the end of the day when you take your shoes of you realize what a huge mistake you made that morning.
It's a load of bollox!!

I work in retail, as deputy manager of the distribution centre and for the last six weeks we've been receiving stock purposely for Black Friday.

As others have stated it's an American phenomenon which has been over here for the last 3-4 years.....but don't believe all you see.

The "deal" prices are obviously what you buy the goods at, but the "original" prices are totally fabricated to make the customer think they are getting a better deal than they actually are.
As a previous poster used the example of the television you can get a deal of, but they've sold none of them for six months is pretty much spot on in a lot of cases - I know that some companies send one of an item to their store so they can say it "was" on sale at a certain price before it's "reduced".....this is a loophole because yes it "was" on sale at the original price, but it was deliberately left in their stockroom for weeks so nobody could buy it even if they wanted to. But, the fact it was on the premises, is a way around the issue.

End of the day it's down to individuals - if we think a price for an article is what we want to pay for it, then we will. Regardless if it's called Black Friday, Purple Wednesday or, ahem, Blue Monday.

Lastly (cos I'm on one now as Black Friday is a pain in the proverbial) as far as employers go, I receive weekly emails from all sorts of retail bods and last year there was an article about the hidden cost of Black Friday for companies.
Basically it highlighted that retailers always quote how much money goes through the tills on that day, but they fail to mention the extra labour (overtime / agency staff etc.) that is required to get all the shit on the shelves. So their actual profit isn't as large as they think.
It's a load of bollox!!

I work in retail, as deputy manager of the distribution centre and for the last six weeks we've been receiving stock purposely for Black Friday.

As others have stated it's an American phenomenon which has been over here for the last 3-4 years.....but don't believe all you see.

The "deal" prices are obviously what you buy the goods at, but the "original" prices are totally fabricated to make the customer think they are getting a better deal than they actually are.
As a previous poster used the example of the television you can get a deal of, but they've sold none of them for six months is pretty much spot on in a lot of cases - I know that some companies send one of an item to their store so they can say it "was" on sale at a certain price before it's "reduced".....this is a loophole because yes it "was" on sale at the original price, but it was deliberately left in their stockroom for weeks so nobody could buy it even if they wanted to. But, the fact it was on the premises, is a way around the issue.

End of the day it's down to individuals - if we think a price for an article is what we want to pay for it, then we will. Regardless if it's called Black Friday, Purple Wednesday or, ahem, Blue Monday.

Lastly (cos I'm on one now as Black Friday is a pain in the proverbial) as far as employers go, I receive weekly emails from all sorts of retail bods and last year there was an article about the hidden cost of Black Friday for companies.
Basically it highlighted that retailers always quote how much money goes through the tills on that day, but they fail to mention the extra labour (overtime / agency staff etc.) that is required to get all the shit on the shelves. So their actual profit isn't as large as they think.

Fuck it, off to amazon now, fucking black friday my arse, i knew it was a load of shite and @ctidcarl just put the final nail in any chance of me taking any note of it every again's coffin, i should not have this time ffs, i have grown weak. My tried and tested method of checking historical prices and generally researching for hours and hours where to get the best deal for summat that only costs 50 quid anyway. The stress of research (specifically the part where i fret about having the best possible price i could get online) probably cost me a month of life as n'all ffs.
The urge to watch I'm a celebrity,Jeremy Kyle or the only way is Essex on a 48inch telly over a 42 inch telly is strong. Most would just move their sofa a tad closer or wait a while

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