Blue Alliance Fans Survey - Improving The Atmosphere

wearethesouthstand said:
trevorriley said:
Still waiting for a get together to discuss ultras / better atmosphere.... Anything sorted ?

i got your email and that's great but firstly probably feed a resume of peoples views into the club tomorrow then see where we are

whyalwayste asked if tba would pop down to the eds

as i put in the dm to ste anyone who is trying to do something positive gets our best wishes, we've been criticised ourselves on here for years so the one thing we're not gonna do is criticise anyone else for showing some initiative

however get yourselves organised first - we're meeting on 27th before swansea at the waldorf, why not drop in. a lot of the leadership won't be there - 2 or 3 are away but there will be some issues to talk about, and you can see how we work and organise - it's 2 til 4 in the waldorf pub, introduce yourself to felix at the end and run though what you have organised

with all due respect, we're at a different level at the minute but that doesn't mean we wouldn't or couldn't work together at some point

we're an official branch of the MCFC supporters club, we take fans to all games home and away and in europe. we pay subscriptions to MCFC itself and we took 150 to newcastle, 150 to the comm shield, taking a coach to ajax, these things take organisation and lots of hard work, if you lot joined with us, you might find you could achieve your aims quicker because we could direct funding to projects from ourselves and via the club. we also have a lot of the hardcore singers within our ranks , the people who go everywhere so we have a group that know each other already through the away games built over years - if you go away games regularly you might find you know some of the faces.

we are growing at a rate where we would be able to implement a lot of things that everyone want to see happen. to make things happen it costs money, hundreds, thousands of pounds.

i would say you come and see us on the 27th, have a chat with fe and the boys, we can let our members know about the event on the 8th.

many thanks for your reply, there are some great ideas coming out now, i get the feeling it could start to take off more.

I will call in to the pub before the swansea game with a mate of mine, we both stand in SS.

I guess getting everybody alocacted in to the same block is the hardest bit, the club would have to support this.

One day we will get there, meanwhile lets get the atmosphere going as best we can !
Why Always Ste said:
jrb said:
Let me throw this at you all. Don't bite my head off. ;-)

What if a block(let's go for 116) was turned into a 'dedicated singing block'.(for want of a better title) What would your thoughts be?

A block holding 500(not sure of the block capacity) 'dedicated singers'.(Poznan, Aris, Dortmund style)

A block open to season ticket holders only, so the same people stand next to each other match after match. (in essence a members block)

A block with it's own identity. Banners and flags above the block and along the bottom wall, etc.

A season ticket specific in design for the members of that block.

A voluntary code of conduct agreed with the club.(no flares, smoke bombs, etc)

An additional charge of £10 on each season ticket, matched by the club, so £10,000 would raised per season and used for Banners, flags, ticker tape, etc.

A dedicated part or full time member of staff to liaise with the fans in that block.

Elected representatives to meet with club officials.

Monthly or 3 Monthly meetings with club officials, Showsec, etc to discuss issues and/or concerns.

A dedicated page on the Official website.

A block where a Capo, drums, or other ideas could be trialed.


But what about the season ticket holders already in that block jrb.

Unlike the North Stand relocation wouldn't be forced on existing season ticket holders in that block. However, the club would make it clear to them that their block will become a dedicated singers block in the future. If they wished to relocate seats would be offered to them that have become vacant via fans relocating to the dedicated singing block. If they wish to stay put, then fair enough.

Tin hat. :-)

Sign me up.

But as I mentioned about Section Hangers-On.. you'll get people signing up because it sounds great and they want to be apart of it... But they won't sing and just observe a quarter of us who sing.

Can you force people to sing? not really, but this is where the Capo/Drum comes in play. It keeps rhythm and encourages people to sing.

agreed, everyone always says wow look at the European fans. then when we say lets do what they do have a capo and drum and then all of a sudden they are saying its shit.

Some great ideas there nice one, Im confident if we did get our own block the singers would be serious and not leave 10 mins before the end or stand there not singing.. There seems to be many of us now wanting this... Being the best fans in the premier league is a buzz to me, knowing we have lifted the club and players...
wearethesouthstand said:
here are some of the blue alliance onstage before dortmund

you can download it yourselves by cutting this link and putting it into your browsers

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 6d5671566a</a>

will give you an idea of what we're all about

thanks for the link, missd that interview but that came accross well and must have got the attention of the club. Look forward to the next meeting... ctid
Spot on pal

trevorriley said:
Why Always Ste said:
Sign me up.

But as I mentioned about Section Hangers-On.. you'll get people signing up because it sounds great and they want to be apart of it... But they won't sing and just observe a quarter of us who sing.

Can you force people to sing? not really, but this is where the Capo/Drum comes in play. It keeps rhythm and encourages people to sing.

agreed, everyone always says wow look at the European fans. then when we say lets do what they do have a capo and drum and then all of a sudden they are saying its shit.

Some great ideas there nice one, Im confident if we did get our own block the singers would be serious and not leave 10 mins before the end or stand there not singing.. There seems to be many of us now wanting this... Being the best fans in the premier league is a buzz to me, knowing we have lifted the club and players...
Relocation relocation relocation. Until we get all like minded people who want to sing together in one section we will always struggle.

Drums, megaphones, choir practices, song sheets, timed songs, safe standing, etc will make no difference. You will still have way too many people in "singing areas" wanting to sit/stand in silence and thus diluting any atmosphere.

There are many i am sure that sung their hearts out 10/20 years ago but now want to take it easy but are still sat near way fans in SS or ES. It needs to be easier for people to relocate to other areas. Having young kids stood in front of them all game bellowing out songs should be enough incentive, it just needs to be easier to move.

This is an issue we will face every 10 to 15 years. Having seats for life does not keep a good atmosphere. We need a way of keeping one area full of enthusiastic singers. If we could say keep SS concentrated with such fans it would be similar in numbers to an away game allocation and maybe we wouldnt need to move away fans after all.
jrb said:
Let me throw this at you all. Don't bite my head off. ;-)

What if a block(let's go for 116) was turned into a 'dedicated singing block'.(for want of a better title) What would your thoughts be?

A block holding 500(not sure of the block capacity) 'dedicated singers'.(Poznan, Aris, Dortmund style)

A block open to season ticket holders only, so the same people stand next to each other match after match. (in essence a members block)

A block with it's own identity. Banners and flags above the block and along the bottom wall, etc.

A season ticket specific in design for the members of that block.

A voluntary code of conduct agreed with the club.(no flares, smoke bombs, etc)

An additional charge of £10 on each season ticket, matched by the club, so £10,000 would raised per season and used for Banners, flags, ticker tape, etc.

A dedicated part or full time member of staff to liaise with the fans in that block.

Elected representatives to meet with club officials.

Monthly or 3 Monthly meetings with club officials, Showsec, etc to discuss issues and/or concerns.

A dedicated page on the Official website.

A block where a Capo, drums, or other ideas could be trialed.


But what about the season ticket holders already in that block jrb.

Unlike the North Stand relocation wouldn't be forced on existing season ticket holders in that block. However, the club would make it clear to them that their block will become a dedicated singers block in the future. If they wished to relocate seats would be offered to them that have become vacant via fans relocating to the dedicated singing block. If they wish to stay put, then fair enough.

Tin hat. :-)

Love this idea, and would invest my time into it! Really well thought out. Only issue is people kicking off about being moved and also there would have to be a capo otherwise it would just be another singing section that doesn't sing!
We need someone to get up and start a chant when things aren't going well. Sat in the Kippax, there was always a bloke who stood up when things got a little quiet and started the "CCCCCIIIIIITTTTTTTTYYYY" - clap clap clap chant of old. I've not heard that get started recently.

I think some of our songs tend to die down to early, we need to get into a habit of doing some of them over and over. The youtube video of the Phil Jones/Aguero song being sung at Stoke at half time is amazing, why can't we repeat this in the stadium during a home match?

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