Blue Tuesday: Lakey's Question. Players in battle...


Well-Known Member
14 Jul 2009
Hi Everyone

As we all know, there are some tough old games ahead. This week's Blue Tuesday question is:

If you could choose two players to join you in battle, who would they be, and why?

For me, it'd have to be Nicky Reid and Mike Summerbee. Two players who were as tough as old boots and who could always be relied on to give 100%.

Looking forward to reading your responses. As usual, a few will be read out by Katy on Tuesday between 6pm and 7pm (BBC Radio Manchester, 95.1FM and BBC iPlayer).


Andy Morrison,best £40,000 we ever spent.Cometh the hour,cometh the man.

Dave Watson - who can ever forget him having stitches during his interview at the end of the League Cup final.Some players today go down if they get a split end!

Gerry Gow - Would charge the enemy on his own!
Blueripple would be one, what a player he was. And I'm bloody serious, you b*****d have a lot to answer for, you are one of the reasons I support this bloody club. And the other, Mike Doyle/Dave Ewing/Francis Lee and maybe in modern time Fat Andy The Psycho, Can't decide.
Tbilisi said:
Andy Morrison,best £40,000 we ever spent.Cometh the hour,cometh the man.

Dave Watson - who can ever forget him having stitches during his interview at the end of the League Cup final.Some players today go down if they get a split end!

Gerry Gow - Would charge then enemy on his own!
Actually I cant believe I didnt name either of these. Proper tough men

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