Personally I know what you mean about deads, 5x5 all out is extremely tough at the start of a workout, and used to have an effect on the rest of my training, which is why I used to save them until last, then go all out with what I had left, just my personal preference.
Adding weight, here's what many people miss on 5x5, it's expected your reps will go something like set 1 - 5 reps, set 2 - 5 reps, set 3 - 5 reps, set 4 - 4/5 reps, set 5 3/4 reps, it's when you actually do 5 sets of 5, THEN you can up the weight, it's not expected that your strength will improve on say your shoulders as it does your back/chest/legs, just aim for 5 x 5 then when you hit that, make the increments smaller for the smaller muscle groups .