Exeter Blue I am here
Well-Known Member
Dortmund - that'll do.
Probably means we'll be playing in our second home, Budapest.
Dortmund wasn’t a bad draw. Copping for Bayern in the semis was though!
Dortmund - that'll do.
Probably means we'll be playing in our second home, Budapest.
Ffs, completely forgot the CL draw was on, waffling on about formulas layers characters and arcs on here.
Right, i'm aff to see who we got next.
oh alright you bunch of billy big bollox!
be us in the hat next year
I hardly ever rewatch TV shows. So far, I've watched The Wire 4 times all the way through. Needless to say it was my #1 pick.
Prop Joe: "Look the part, be the part, motherf*cker!"