Boateng wants out

jimharri said:
Breadsnapper said:
jimharri said:
Alright then; you think the sun shines out of his arse. Fair enough; everyone's entitled to their opinion (something you would do well to remember). Quick question for you then; going on the train of thought that most on here seems to think his best position would be CB, who would you drop for him? Serious question. I think most would agree that VK is undroppable. That leaves Lescott who, for me, is (along with Richards) the most improved player at the club. Kolo? Maybe. But I'm not sure how either of them (Jerome or Kolo) would get into our first choice XI. Left back? A possible option. But if that is the case, why are we constantly linked with Baines (rightly or wrongly)? Would he be happy being a squad member, playing only limited games? I can't answer that. By the way, you might want to cut out the abuse of fellow posters, just because they have a different opinion to you. It's not necessary.
Did say I thought the sun shone out of his arse but if you want to mis quote me to make your point then feel free if it boosts your ego. Whilst i agree Lescott is vastly improved and more like he player I thought we were buying, do we not need cover due to EPL, 2 domestic cups CL with the possibility of Europa cup? Kolo is at the wrong age for the club and I don't think he will have many years left. I remember him getting slated on here not so long ago. Left back a possibility, but I hope Kolarov comes good and think he will, but why bring Baines into it? HE IS NOT A CITY PLAYER! and if you think he has more potential than Boateng I would dearly like to know why you think so, afterall you are entitled to your opinion.
BTW when I need advice as to what I do or what I don't post from the like of you I will ask. You seem to have your fair share of opinion too!
Breadsnapper said:
HE IS NOT A CITY PLAYER! and if you think he has more potential than Boateng I would dearly like to know why you think so, afterall you are entitled to your opinion.
Study my earlier post carefully. If you can show me where I said that Baines had more potential than Boateng, I would be grateful. Also, I know Baines isn't a City player; that's why I said we were being linked with him. No need for the use of upper case letters to emphasise a point that I had already implied.

Breadsnapper said:
Do we not need cover due to EPL, 2 domestic cups CL with the possibility of Europa cup?
VK, Lescott, Richards, Toure, Boyata, Zabaleta. All players who can play in more than one position in defence. Even Barry can play at full back, I think

Breadsnapper said:
BTW when I need advice as to what I do or what I don't post from the like of you I will ask. You seem to have your fair share of opinion too!
I certainly do have opinions; most on here do. What I would like to think is that I wouldn't start dishing out abuse because others don't have the same opinion as me. It would be easy for me to start slagging you off for daring to have a viewpint that's diferent to mine; accusing people of ''spouting bollox'', saying that other supporters are ''fucking typical hypocritical City fans'', saying that you ''cannot believe some of the shit you people come out with'', saying that ''Some of you are complete cnuts' etc etc. But I won't do it because it serves no useful purpose. Not sure why you feel the need to come out with some of those comments. Anyway; we all want what's best for our club; we just have different ideas on how to get there. Fair comment?
The fact you even mentioned baines would suggest you feel he can do a job. Now if he is not as good as what we have or just as good but not better then why on earth would we buy him? I asked if you thought he had more potential then explain why? Was it that difficult?
So we have Zabaleta, not a recognised CB and Richards playing out of his skin as a full back, but you want to shove then in for cover for CB, when we have already got one? Speechless!!!!!
''spouting bollox'' yes even I do it sometimes.
''fucking typical hypocritical City fans'' as I stated one player can slate a club but it's just press talk stirring shite, others get slated. Lads played 16 games, he isn't shite and need time to adjust. If you can't see the logic/sense in that then yes hypocrital and spouting bollox and no I can't believe the shit coming from some people, you included and me too.
Yes I over use the word ****, always have done and always will do, but sometimes no other word will do. By simple demographics some posters on here will be cunts. So I am correct, sometime I can be accused of being one such thing. Serves no purpose, sorry can't all be as elloquent as you, my parents fault wouldn't pay for me to go to grammar school.
I come out with these comments because I can, I am an adult who pays taxes, votes and can make a decision myself as to wheteher 1 I will reply or 2 what I will put in the reply. Maybe you are softskinned and don't like criticism, bad language, or insults. I on the other hand don't care about being insulted, I don't get upset when I am called names or told I am a **** or I spout bollox, it simply doesn't matter. I don't know maybe I am blessed to have such a thick skin.
Finally, I know nothing of you, I don't know how long you have followed City, but since I can remember City fans have always booed city players. I grew up on telling the fuckers to shut up, I got a few cracks along the way but it hasn't altered my belief that if he wears the blue of my team he gets my support till such times as he moves on.
that's why I get pissed off when "fans" slag players off, especially when the guy clearly has talent and things clearly haven't gone just right.
Breadsnapper said:
He doesn't set the price tag for one, the selling club does, yes we may have paid over the odds but that's how it is at the minute.
He has featured in 16 games, yes that's 16 games this season for us which has been interrupted by injury.
If you actually did some research BEFORE spouting bollox you know that when he played CB with VK he was a much more accomplished player. As he was in the world cup playing full back. Obviously you are too numb to realise that City play a different style to Germany which he is more comfortable with.

If you're able to reply to my posts without swearing, making false assumptions or lying then I might be able to take you seriously.

You've actually contradicted yourself by making out he's a legend in waiting but then saying his German style won't work in the Premiership.

"Research"??? What??? I attend or watch football matches like other people who aren't a Geek.
peoffrey said:
Breadsnapper said:
He doesn't set the price tag for one, the selling club does, yes we may have paid over the odds but that's how it is at the minute.
He has featured in 16 games, yes that's 16 games this season for us which has been interrupted by injury.
If you actually did some research BEFORE spouting bollox you know that when he played CB with VK he was a much more accomplished player. As he was in the world cup playing full back. Obviously you are too numb to realise that City play a different style to Germany which he is more comfortable with.

If you're able to reply to my posts without swearing, making false assumptions or lying then I might be able to take you seriously.

You've actually contradicted yourself by making out he's a legend in waiting but then saying his German style won't work in the Premiership.

"Research"??? What??? I attend or watch football matches like other people who aren't a Geek.
Ah another who fabricates to boast his ego.
If bollox is the swear word, jeez get over yourself. Make false assumptions which bit is an assumption, the 16 games played, that fact he has played for Germany. The fact when he played for Germany he looked a decent player, so much so we bought him.
Which bit is a lie?
Show me where I used the phrase legend in the making? I didn't did I, you made that up, an untruth, a lie. So you are the liar not me.
I didn't say his German style won't work in the premiership, did I/ Read the post son I said there were two different styles one he is more used too hence he plays better under that system. I do apologise for crediting you with too much intellgence I assumed, and I should not have really that, you wold have realised that there has to be a period of adjustment and that 16 games were not enough for a period of adjustment.
Whether you decide to take me seriously or not matters not to me, I often don't take me seriously. Why do you feel I should seek your approval? Are you superior to me, am I not to have a differing opinion to you? As you can see people have different opinions to me. The reason I insulted some was due to the fact I have already mentioned 16 GAMES.
Attending football matches is not research, It is watching a match. By research I meant having the correct facts at your disposal so you can make an informed opinion. And what have geeks got to do with? That would imply that it is you who is seeking approval and do not want to feel on the outside of the popular majority hence you do not want to be considered a geek. Or simply you mean I am a geek.
It amuses me the way people cite the fact that he played for Germany as irrefutable proof that he's a wonderful player.

How many of you using this argument watched all the games he played for Germany ? None I'd wager.

Wes Brown made countless appearances for England ffs, was he brilliant too ?

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