Bobbys ad in today's MEN

I can't believe some people are being cynical about the ad. For fuck sake get a life. He gave us the FA Cup , the title and smashing United 6-1 in their own backyard. It may well be the right time for him to move on but what he has done for us is special and he will always hold a huge place in my heart. Forza Mancini where that may be and onwards and upwards for City. In this case everyone is a winner !!
I'm all for thanking RM, so will sing his name - what about singing his name for as much of the first half as possible, and then in the second half sing songs supporting the team?
As for the ad I thought it showed the special relationship he had with the fans, and I doubt there are many other managers who would do something like it

Thanks Roberto, and good luck

The-Dogs-Pollocks said:
Treated disgracefully?

This is football and managers get the sack. He's been very well rewarded and leaves with his reputation enhanced.

The fans think one thing because for 3 years he was the public image of the club, but the players think another. And that's why he's lost his job. If City thought he could continue his success he'd still be here.

Yes treated disgracefully. Three trophies in 3 years at at club who hadn't won one in nearly 40 speaks louder than our press office feeding stories to the mail about him spending too much time on the sunbed and having his eyebrows waxed. Do you think Clough and Baconface were universally loved by their players?

The clubs decision to sack him (which I disagree with but accept) is one thing, but releasing all this title tattle afterwards is a disgrace.
That's just the way the press for you

I doubt very much if City have been briefing anyone. Why would we? He's already gone. The press have just accumulated a pile of rumours, and stories and are running it now, because in a few weeks time it wont be newsworthy at all
Showed it to my wife, who's not interested in football. Asked her what she thought. "That's really lovely, what a nice thing to do". And she can be a bit of a cynic.
Skashion said:
mostonbluemark said:
At last the true vitriol for the man comes to the fore.
It already has. He's on record that he doesn't like the man:

BillyShears said:
coleridge said:
Who's the bunting for? Mancini, who walks back to the busom of his Italian family with a few million as a golden handshake and his credibility in tact. You'll give that, won't you?

If Mancini fucks off back to Italy I'll give him whatever he wants ... ;)

Amazing how much I dislike the man ... I sometimes think coming on Bluemoon doesn't help. Every time I warm to him, someone somewhere will challenge my general views of him, and I'll have to justify them. Then I just get angry again that a mercenary like him ended up working for owners as respectful and classy as the ones we have!

Anyway ... I think one way or another the next few months will bare out what the future holds for Sideshow Bob and in turn for our beloved City.
He said that five months ago

It must of been a painful three n half years for you billy seeing bobbys success..
Absolute class act. The guy will live in my memory forever as the best manager in my lifetime, by a country mile. You should never have been given the boot Roberto, but it's happened and we must move on. Good luck in the future, all the best. Ciao for now until we meet again.
Having the fortune of seeing our last brush with success in Mercer/Allison era, then to see how Joe Mercer was treated. Forty five years on if not the same situation the result is the same, however this time City are in a much better place thanks to the owners and indeed Bobby.

Typical of the Man, loved us with a passion, man of us loved him. After all the revelations and codemnations the stats wont lie he achieved what only 4 other clubs have done in 20 years, win the premiership.

Good Luck Bob, thanks for the ride. Forza Mancini

Now we move on............CTID
petrusha said:
I was an outer, and I think it was the right decision to remove Roberto from his post. I believe that his management style means he has a limited shelf-life at a club, so I suspect that the defects the team has shown in the season just ending would have continued in the new campaign.

However, I'm grateful to him for the job he did. After all, he took over an expensive but misfiring squad that was struggling, halfway through the season when he arrived, to move higher up the table than sixth. He turned it into one that qualified automatically for the CL for 3 successive seasons as well as winning things for the first time in decades. Notwithstanding the money pumped in by our owner, that's an impressive feat and I'm sure in decades to come, when we look back on this point in our history, he'll always be viewed as an important figure.

For that, I'm grateful to him. As I've posted on here before, to nick and adapt a line I loved from David Lacey of The Guardian in his report on England’s 5-1 win over the Germans in Munich, just as Bogart and Bergman will always have Paris, so we and Mancini will always have Wembley in April and May 2011, Old Trafford in October 2011, and that amazing day in May 2012.

Our paths may well cross again at some point, as I assume he'll now manage another team likely to play in the CL. If so, I'm sure he'll get a great reception at our place, and the ad today in the MEN is a nice touch.

Well said.

As was the case at Reading, we should say thnk you to Mancini tomorrow and then get on with supporting the team.

Time to move on.

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