Well-Known Member
Holy shite that's a lot of flooding. I remember my hometown being flooded a few years back but not like this. Anyway this can be prevented in the future? I'm thinking that would cost millions and millions to improve the sewage system and redirection and it still wouldn't be enough
There has been a reasonable amount of money spent on flood prevention in the Upper Calder Valley, but it never seems to do any good. Implementation and execution have come under a lot of scrutiny.The kind of infrastructure necessary to handle a month's worth of rain falling in a day onto saturated hills above a narrow valley would unfortunately prove far too expensive for a string of small towns in the North of England. Obviously if this were the Chilterns we were talking about then it would be a different matter. Remember a few years ago when Sheffield and Hull got absolutely inundated and all that was on the national news was bloody Tewkesbury?