Boycott the M*rror

Be interested to know if they have sent the same message to RAWK, seen as the Mirror is pretty much a Liverpool fanzine now anyway.
Well, I'm certainly going to be taking heed of this warning and not pasting any Mirror articles on Bluemoon. Of course that will mainly be because I'll be going absolutely nowhere near the Mirror's website for the rest of my life. Huge corporations bullying "the little man2 in this way really pisses me off. I'd suggest that this "warning" has probably been issued to more websites than just Bluemoon, and was probably part of a concerted effort/organised process by Trinity Mirror to stamp this pasting action out. As there's clearly going to be someone from the Mirror group who ends up being tasked to read Bluemoon to see if we've adhered to their warning, and this thread will no doubt end up on their viewing list, I think it's only fair to say that I find your behaviour despicable and might I also humbly suggest that this threat you've issued will likely come back and bite you. Football fans are a tribal bunch, if you attack them they will defend themselves. Whatever advert revenue you believed you were losing by article pasting I'd suggest you'll now be losing a hell of a lot more by the collective boycotting of any and all Mirror articles by the many thousands of members Bluemoon (and the other websites you've likely targeted) are frequented by.

Congratulations. You bunch of phalluses.
As someone else said earlier, if you really want to post something from them, just quote them from the article, don't paste and definitely don't link! Having said that, I can't think of any reason why I would be interested in anything these toss bags had to say.
Thing is, although the cricket blog I write on is neither a commercial enterprise, nor remotely in the same scale, I know that I'd be pretty miffed if someone just copied and pasted what I'd written without making the effort to come and visit the site. On a personal level, it would feel a bit like cheating me out of what I'd taken the time to put together.

For a newspaper, getting the clicks is what counts for the advertising, so I can see why they would object on those grounds too. They're a business after all.

Equally, I'm entirely with you all on saying ok that's fine, then we don't go there and don't buy it. Which will likely lose them more. It's certainly heavy handed. There's nothing wrong with fair use quotation by the way.
Thing is, although the cricket blog I write on is neither a commercial enterprise, nor remotely in the same scale, I know that I'd be pretty miffed if someone just copied and pasted what I'd written without making the effort to come and visit the site. On a personal level, it would feel a bit like cheating me out of what I'd taken the time to put together.

For a newspaper, getting the clicks is what counts for the advertising, so I can see why they would object on those grounds too. They're a business after all.

Equally, I'm entirely with you all on saying ok that's fine, then we don't go there and don't buy it. Which will likely lose them more. It's certainly heavy handed. There's nothing wrong with fair use quotation by the way.
Considering what they wrote about Sterling was borderline inciting hatred I couldn't give a shit if they lose out on revenue, that's the idea of pasting the article, so we don't have to give them the ad revenue. Disgusting cunts.
So when some ramdom poster puts forward an opinion or comment and some hack at the mirror or evening news uses it can we counter sue for the same if we all agree that any comments are the property of Bluemoon and it's members
Thing is, although the cricket blog I write on is neither a commercial enterprise, nor remotely in the same scale, I know that I'd be pretty miffed if someone just copied and pasted what I'd written without making the effort to come and visit the site. On a personal level, it would feel a bit like cheating me out of what I'd taken the time to put together.

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