Bridge Not Good Enough

I was a bit bored and wanted to wake everyone up.

In truth I cant see who else we could get who is any better.

The clues are England 2nd choice and two footed full back.

Hens teeth are easier to find.

Anyway I am off to buy something completely and utterly unnecessary. (please see new post)
jakeplattinblue said:
i think he is brilliant, last year was a bit dodgy but hasn't put a foot wrong yet mate imo

Last year he had a persistent injury.. Credit to him for wanting to play when not 100%... we have had other players who faked injuries or wouldn't play unless they were 100%.

I find it amazing that we have an England international at left back and some complain he isn't good enough. Think back not too long ago.. Thatcher, Ball, Garrido... and now we have Wayne Bridge..

Sounding more like rags everyday
fbloke said:
I never thought I would be unhappy with it when City have Englands' second choice left back and I feel short changed.

I don't measure a player by what was paid for him, so it matters not a jot to me about Bridge's price or wage but I don't think he's good enough.

He is uni-pedal in the extreme and has yet to convince me he is fully effective either going forward or defending.

I think exactly the same about Liverpool's Johnson but he seems to be more effective going forward.

If I were MH I would certainly be on the look out for a replacement for Bridge, ideally one who can use both feet.

Looking at the way that City will be playing it is essential that whoever plays in the position has a lot of pace as we are going to pushing on a lot which will leave us open to the counter.

And before you ask, no I dont have any suggestions as to who the incomer should be.
I'm also scratching my head in this regard.
I mentioned some weeks ago on here that my friend who sits next to me, had been shouting "Bridge! You're shit! You're not good enough". I've just ignored her on the whole.
Perhaps some people don't have a grasp of the concept that defenders are allowed to come forward.

No, I know, let's play four-four feckin two. All the back 4 stay on their line and don't move, ever.


I think he's done very well so far and had a good game last night.
In fact, it's become something of a joke in our house now...we will sit and mock-rant at the telly: "Bridge - you're shit!" (i.e. each time he pulls something good off)
awesome said:
Couldn't disagree more, i thought he has been excellent this season and I'm very happy with his performances.

Without reading any further down the thread, I totally agree with this ^^^^^^
True_Blue69 said:
I opened this post full expecting it to be one of those that someone has searched the archives for to laugh at the OP, couldn't believe it was created today after how well he has been playing

Yeah, me too. You could have understood maybe if this had been posted in Feb/Mar but not this season. He's been one of our best players.
The full back position seems to be the most problematic in modern football.

This is because they need to get forward to provide an extra dimension to the attack, but then they are dependent on the midfield or Central defence to cover them when they do.

I think we've been very good this season with SWP covering PabZab/Richards on the right and Bellers covering Bridge on the left.

I dont think there are many left backs in the world that you could say are better than Bridge; Cole, Evra, Lahm, Chiellini and Zhirkov, then you start to struggle.

If you talk to most teams supporters they will tell you that the worst player in their club is a left or right back.
played v well this season, deserves to continue playing.

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