Brilliant New Idea From City Owners


Well-Known Member
1 Oct 2009
Manchester City's owners have come up with an absolutely brilliant new way of raising masses of money for charity and in the process, cleansing the world of much of the filth and vermin that as for too long blighted not just football, but society in general.

It's such a wonderfully concieved idea that it could lead to less likelihood of future generations having to suffer from the pollution of noxius gases and poisonous writings, which currently seem to regularly infultrate their surroundings, giving fresh hope of a brighter, cleaner environment for all the honest decent people of the world.

The 'Bandwaggon' which City intend to construct, will be built using a design where anyone usually drawn to such berrating, disshonest and anti social behaviour will be powerless to resist the attraction of jumping on, and once aboard find there is no way of getting back off.

It will travell the length and bredth of Europe, visiting the most infected areas, with Sky HQ, and All major media centres getting a very casual 'drive by'.
It will also take in sporting arena's where drivel, lies and hypocracy have raised their heads repeatedly, Old Trafford, St James Park, Goodison and Anfield to name but a few.

The designers are expecting a clamour from numerous world Football legends with Stan Collimoor even rumoured to be a prospective captain, along with a crew containing the likes of: Cruyff, Nasri and Enrique, with many, many more hoping they'll at least get a chance.

Once rolling the mass of the project is expected to become unstoppable, and with City's owners promising £1.00 for each and every passenger picked up, it's quite likely that before Christmas the figure going to charity could reach into the Billions.

The cost of the project is projected to be relatively low as the main structure will be similar in construction to a huge lavatory with simple filtration to stop any leakage of effluent or faeces, and the power train will run primarily on a fuel of bile, trash and bio degradable hypocrites.

It's something new and never before even imagined, but could lead to such a bright new world, the developers could well end up find themselves put forward for a Nobel Prize.

The future is bright, the future is most deffinately BLUE.
Mike N said:
Too much effort for too little reward IMO.

Quite, can't say I'm not dissappointed, but it's often fickle as to what gets any appreciation on here lol.

Would undoubtedly have got more of a response had I copied a picture of a Baboons arse and placed it next one of Fergies face, but you never know what to expect on here.

If just one person appreciates it, it's still worth the effort.
I found it funny much appreciated, here's a pic of slur alex an a baboon's arse just in case you did'nt manage to find one

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