Bringing your own Camera to Wembley

Bellamy's Caddy

Well-Known Member
26 Jan 2009
A bit of a random post, but basically I want to bring my camera to Wembley. It's not professional or anything but is a bit bulky, was going to bring it in a bag. I know some ''stadium rules'' say you aren't allowed to take your own pictures. Did anyone have problems with security or anything at the semi finals regarding cameras? Any information appreciated!
Re: Bring your own Camera to Wembley

I got the impression at the semi that as long as it doesn't have a big fuck-off zoom lens on it you'll be ok.
Re: Bring your own Camera to Wembley

You can use any camera you want at COMS regardless of the size of the lens. You are just not allowed whilst the game is in play. So before kick off. Half time and full time is ok. Don't know the rules regarding wembely but they should not be able to stop you from getting inn. If they do tell them to let the steward know who is near you to keep an eye on you. On your word that you will not use it when the ball is on play. I want to take mine bit I'm a clumsy get when I'm pissed.
Re: Bring your own Camera to Wembley

Cheers for the replies, hopefully it wont be an issue because the lens isn't that big, it just wouldn't fit in my jeans pocket!
Re: Bring your own Camera to Wembley

I've just checked the back of my tickets and they explicitly forbid cameras. I took my compact to the semi and even had it in my hand as they searched me. There were hundreds of people openly using cameras and having them on show around the turnstiles.

It is up to you whether you chance taking it but I think the above applies - unless you are carrying an SLR with a fuck-me-off telephoto lens and half the stock of Jessops in a rucksack, you will be fine!
I've had a D-SLR in Wembley mate and no problem. If you get questioned just say you've had a day out in London, sight seeing pics and never plan using it for the game.
They vary from steward to steward. I went to see Oasis there and they were like mini hitlers when we were taking pics and videos on our phones of the ground, yet they were pretty mellow about the semi. It's up to you really-whether you want to carrying it around if it's bulky etc.

-- Fri May 13, 2011 2:58 am --

They vary from steward to steward. I went to see Oasis there and they were like mini hitlers when we were taking pics and videos on our phones of the ground, yet they were pretty mellow about the semi. It's up to you really-whether you want to carrying it around if it's bulky etc.<br /><br />-- Fri May 13, 2011 2:59 am --<br /><br />They vary from steward to steward. I went to see Oasis there and they were like mini hitlers when we were taking pics and videos on our phones of the ground, yet they were pretty mellow about the semi. It's up to you really-whether you want to carrying it around if it's bulky etc.
I have an Olympus SP-800UZ, by no means a small camera, and have taken it to every England game at Wembley and the Semi Final without any problem. I doubt you'll even get stopped if you do use it during the game, I never have and I take loads of pics.

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