Camera up bum next week.

I'm Blue said:
Just found out today I've gotta have this done. What a pisser! (From my arse from the sounds of it).
Suffered with hemorrhoids for years, then a month ago one starting bleeding, only for day or so, then they referred me to a specialist, Dr said I might need them operated on.
Now I've asked my usual Dr about the ops for hemorrhoids, he told me that one of his patients had it done and said the pain for about 2 months afterwards was so unbearable that he wouldn't have it done ever again no matter how bad they got! Doesn't inspire confidence!
So I had a read online of other people who've had it done, most seem to be saying the same as my Dr's patient, agony!
So I mentioned this to the specialist today, to which he took great offence and proceeded to talk down to me like a little boy, telling me my Dr's patient is wrong, everybody who's had it done online are wrong and there is no pain, then listing all his operations, qualifications and how long he's been doing it etc, then " you don't have to have it done, but I'm telling you", he wasn't telling me, he was nearly shouting at me, while still talking to me like a little boy!
I've never met a more obnoxious person in my life, nearly told him to go fuck himself, either that or put his head through the nearest window.
Wasn't looking forward to today, I'm dreading going back now.

I remember an old bloke at work going on about his hemorrhoid operation. He said they also took part of the muscle away in his bum that he called "the turd snipper" so every time he went for a poo he did really long snake like shits.
Had it done twice.First time I was sedated,no problem.Second time,no sedation and I had to take an enema at home.
Nearly didn't make it to the little boys room.
Second time was uncomfortable,but bearable.
Taximania said:
oakiecokie said:
Taximania said:
Not necessarily clear my old friend : (
It just means the biopsy section tested was negative
Look out for the signs and be aware
Psa testing is probably advisable for all men over 50 regardless of symptoms

A genuine question here
Is the camera up the bottie from the OP for this reason ?
It cant be I'm sure as birds don't have a prostate and tobz said she was a young woman on a recent thread so why else then do you photograph up the kyber pass for the posters who have experienced this procedure ?
Is it for a multitude of reasons.
Serious question BTW
Prostate yes as you get machine gunned down with core samples
Bit like a spud gun I imagine but why else would you camera otherwize as we have accurate ultrasound machines ?

I am sure the OP will have now pm'd and nominated Batblue as his cellar mediator and councilor owing to his reassurances and psychological help in this his hour of need : 0

An old angular tv being ripped through the intestines
Jeeeeses lord help us all eh

I had it done about 4 years ago now.As you rightly say look out for the signs,but just lately I have heard of too many cases whereby no symptoms were noticeable and it was only good fortune that they were having blood samples for other tests when problems with prostate were found.

Elevation of psa is not definitive
Cpould be down to simple bph

However it is a good indicator that all is not well
Which is why it is good housekeeping to undergo basic psa screening over a set age

Free psa testing as opposed to simple psa tests is far more accurate indicator and can be performed before a Trus to reassure

Keep an eye on PSA velocity however as this is a strong indicator that all could not be well
By velocity I mean a PSA increase of at least 25% over a six month to a year period with or without symtoms

It would help both myself and others if you could speak in good old plain English.
stony said:
I had the full camera spit roast and it wasn't pleasant. The one down the throat was worse than the one up the arse.
Neither experience is one I will remember fondly, but it wasn't as bad as you think it might be.
Just make sure your bowels are properly excavated, otherwise you will have to do it again.
The worst part of the whole procedure is definitely the night before. You have to drink clean prep until it comes out of your arse. An apt and accurate description.
I sincerely hope you meant evacuated. Excavation of those parts sounds a tad unpleasant.
mick10 said:
Had the anal one which I found uncomfortable and slightly embarrassing, especially when he asked me to push to help removal ( I thought I'd passed a motion!!!) Got one into the bladder through my tool. That was pants to say the least and it stung!! But to say it was painful would be wrong, more, uncomfortable physically and mentally. It will be ok and good luck. Relllllax.

I had the camera down the todger

Couldn't see what all the fuss was about till I went for a piss

Fuck me

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