Can we just get behind Mancini, Cook and the Team


Well-Known Member
24 Jul 2007
Some of the negative stuff on here is a joke. When Hughes is in charge its always Hughes Out, now he's gone, he should have stayed. Now people saying Mancini can "get fucked."

Give the guy a fuckin chance. He's been here 2 mins - he could be the greatest appointment the club makes. We need to get behind them, not shout them down before they've even started.
Spot fucking on.

How ANYONE can be criticising Mancini at this time is just totally unbelievable.
Fully concur. Some of the comments on various threads on here at the moment are so fucking puerile that they're comical. Fuck me, Bin Laden doesn't get the amount of grief that some people on here are saying about 'THEIR CLUB' they profess to support.

Fuck what's gone on, get behind the team and show some support for once in your fucking sad lives,otherwise just FUCK OFF!
Good post.

The only embarrassment and laughing stock I can see involved with our club is some of the morons on here.

All Mancini needs to do is get us playing relatively attractive football, shouldn't be hard compared to the dross we've put up with for so long and make sure we win 1 game in 3 and he's already got Hughes beat.

I'd have been happy to keep Hughes had we showed some signs of improvement on the pitch but we wandered blindly from game to game looking disorganised, weak and pretty shit.

We won on Saturday yet I left COMS disillusioned and apathetic after watching 90minutes of 'next goal wins' wank.

As a fan it's my job now to get behind the sheikh, Cook and Mancini and fuck Hughes to the back of my mind.
Im very surprised at this to mate and its totally uncalled for.

I for one am %100 behind Manchester City and very excited about the future.
i think ever1 who is on here and there on saturday will get right behind the team and the manager,
surely you can understand people are upset about the whole thing thou
Hughes wasn't up to it, end of. I think Mancini will do a good job & even if he doesn't they will get someone better in. I think it shows that the owners are serous about success.

Cook is a bit of a lose cannon but I think he has done the best for the club.

I am more confident of a top 4 finish now than I ever was with Hughes in charge.

Come on City
dref619 said:
i think ever1 who is on here and there on saturday will get right behind the team and the manager,
surely you can understand people are upset about the whole thing thou

No i can't understand why people are upset. We've seen managers come and go at this place umpteen times, and ones who have been shat on more than Hughes.

He's gone, get over it.

I've watched this club for 4 decades and we've always played the nice guy, where as it got us? Everyones favourite 2nd team city. And why, because of the comedy value we've provided for them all.

Now we've decided, at last, to grow a pair of fucking bollocks, everyone goes ballistic. Nice guys win fuck all, just look at Baconface ffs!

The media were on a witchhunt at that press conference and they were batted away. As long as you don't veer from the script they're fucked, and that's what happened. That's why they were getting irate, they were being told what happened and what's the point in repeating it over and over and over again.

They hate us with a venom coz fuck all is coming out of the club, so they make it up. Look how that fucker Henry Winter kept trying but was getting fucking nowhere. So now he'll make up a load of shit in the papers tomorrow. But we know it's shite as we saw what was happening. They can't control what's going on and THEY DON'T LIKE IT UP EM'

So for once support the club instead of the biased corrupt excuses for so called journalism in this country.
1_barry_conlon said:
dref619 said:
i think ever1 who is on here and there on saturday will get right behind the team and the manager,
surely you can understand people are upset about the whole thing thou

No i can't understand why people are upset. We've seen managers come and go at this place umpteen times, and ones who have been shat on more than Hughes.

He's gone, get over it.

I've watched this club for 4 decades and we've always played the nice guy, where as it got us? Everyones favourite 2nd team city. And why, because of the comedy value we've provided for them all.

Now we've decided, at last, to grow a pair of fucking bollocks, everyone goes ballistic. Nice guys win fuck all, just look at Baconface ffs!

The media were on a witchhunt at that press conference and they were batted away. As long as you don't veer from the script they're fucked, and that's what happened. That's why they were getting irate, they were being told what happened and what's the point in repeating it over and over and over again.

They hate us with a venom coz fuck all is coming out of the club, so they make it up. Look how that fucker Henry Winter kept trying but was getting fucking nowhere. So now he'll make up a load of shit in the papers tomorrow. But we know it's shite as we saw what was happening. They can't control what's going on and THEY DON'T LIKE IT UP EM'

So for once support the club instead of the biased corrupt excuses for so called journalism in this country.

well put, cant argue with you
and i plan on getting behind bobby and the team starting saturday
i just question whats gone on

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