can we see some youth please

City_Sean said:
Pains me to say this, but most of our kids aren't ready, look at Pozo and even the youth cup final to an extent. A few of them need loan moves at the very minimum first.

Pozo isn't really a good example of the talent in our youth system as he was played out of position and in a role that many first team players struggle with as a lone striker. Especially away at places like Leicester against two powerful defenders.

Rony Lopes last year is a better example of what to expect from our kids. They'll have a wonderful Man of the Match game one week then have an absolute stinker the next week; the biggest thing though is to recognise the talent and keep the faith in it, and not expect them to have the consistency of a first team player immediately.

Mind you with the consistency shown in our first team as of late they will probably fit right in.
Damocles said:
City_Sean said:
Pains me to say this, but most of our kids aren't ready, look at Pozo and even the youth cup final to an extent. A few of them need loan moves at the very minimum first.

Pozo isn't really a good example of the talent in our youth system as he was played out of position and in a role that many first team players struggle with as a lone striker. Especially away at places like Leicester against two powerful defenders.

Rony Lopes last year is a better example of what to expect from our kids. They'll have a wonderful Man of the Match game one week then have an absolute stinker the next week; the biggest thing though is to recognise the talent and keep the faith in it, and not expect them to have the consistency of a first team player immediately.

Mind you with the consistency shown in our first team as of late they will probably fit right in.

For me there isn't much point in these youngsters sitting on the bench in the first team getting 1o minutes and carrying on with u21 football. They need loan moves for at least a year maybe 2 where they play regular football and gain the experience they need. They wont get that having 10 minutes as a sub every now and then. Neither will 3 month loans to clubs. They need time to settle in to clubs and learn the system they play - preferably clubs that we have links with who play a similar way. 2 years playing regularly for someone like Pozo or Lopes would then set them up to actually make an impact in our 1st team.

I think Rekik and Denayer will benefit massively from a full season on loan playing week in week out. I wouldn't have any objections to them doing another year either and then let them come back and seriously challenge for a starting spot. We bring back Denayer now and he sits on the bench most of next season and suddenly he is another Boyata or Nastasic.
Whilst the loan system can no doubt benefit certain young players, its not the answer.

If you are good enough, you should play regardless of age or experience and when we have players who fit that bill coming through over the coming years I've no doubt they will.
blueinsa said:
Whilst the loan system can no doubt benefit certain young players, its not the answer.

If you are good enough, you should play regardless of age or experience and when we have players who fit that bill coming through over the coming years I've no doubt they will.

If we have someone good enough they will play in the first team aged 18 but such players are very few and far between no matter what club you look at. But one of the ways of finding out/having a look is to have them on the bench and getting the occasional sub appearance etc etc.

Aside from that though the loan opportunity is a great way for a player to grow up and develop into a first team player. Getting the right loan club isn't the easiest thing to do. We have a number of players who imo should have had a little first team game time this season or at least more bench time where it could have been possible. Plenty also ready for a loan spell next season.
Never understood the obsession with 'throwing the kids in'.

Sure, it would be fantastic for some lad born on Kippax Street becomes captain of City and wins the Champions League 8 times. Every club would like that. However, you have to be realistic.

I watch our current crop with interest and our best talents nearest the first team are currently out on loan gaining valuable first team experience. A much better model than throwing them in for cup games or sticking them on the bench for a quick 10 minutes in the first team every 4 or 5 games. The ones still in the EDS or U18s are nowhere near ready in terms of physicality, mentality and ability. I don't know why people think putting these kids in the first team, to be shown up to be found wanting in areas of their game, does anything positive for their development or how it benefits the first team gain maximum points for the remainder of the season.

If we had an 18yr old Leo Messi then he would be fast tracked, on the basis of him being an immensely outstanding talent beyond his years. We don't have anyone close to that level and people are deluded if they think otherwise.

The vast majority of our kids won't make it in the top tier of the game. Take the FA Youth Cup winning team of 2008 for example. They won the cup by being better than the rest. Of that team, Sturridge was the outstanding talent and has done well, yet skipped a rung on the maturity ladder. Mee and Trippier are doing well at Burnley, likely to be relegated. The rest of that team and other winning youth cup teams from other clubs just don't make it. It's sad, but its the way it is.

We have some good looking prospects in our youth setup but that's all they are. Kean Bryan is highly rated yet when he had a big role to play against Chelsea, was very poor. Every player can have a poor game but if he has that poor game for the first team and sees himself back in the EDS a week later, how does that help? Then I see people on here saying "Oh but Chelsea were all big lads". Good grief, you're advocating they play against grown men then use that excuse for a previous performance.

Football is a results business. If our EDS players had a better chance of winning the Premier League than our first team players, they would play. It's as simple as that. No conspiracy theories, no bizarre paranoia that our manager just "doesn't want" to play them, they just either aren't good enough or not ready.

We have a great coaching and management structure all the way up the age groups and they all communicate and watch these players daily. I trust their judgement that when the time is right, they will make the step up. People have a bizarre theory our Management team would rather better players not play just because they are young.

Maybe next season, Lopes and Denayer are integrated into the first team and a few of our EDS go on loan to competitive leagues and replicate what we've done with the aforementioned.

A far better model for City, and the lads themselves. This "throw them in" policy amongst fans is naive to the point of stupid.
markbmcfc said:
Never understood the obsession with 'throwing the kids in'.

Sure, it would be fantastic for some lad born on Kippax Street becomes captain of City and wins the Champions League 8 times. Every club would like that. However, you have to be realistic.

I watch our current crop with interest and our best talents nearest the first team are currently out on loan gaining valuable first team experience. A much better model than throwing them in for cup games or sticking them on the bench for a quick 10 minutes in the first team every 4 or 5 games. The ones still in the EDS or U18s are nowhere near ready in terms of physicality, mentality and ability. I don't know why people think putting these kids in the first team, to be shown up to be found wanting in areas of their game, does anything positive for their development or how it benefits the first team gain maximum points for the remainder of the season.

If we had an 18yr old Leo Messi then he would be fast tracked, on the basis of him being an immensely outstanding talent beyond his years. We don't have anyone close to that level and people are deluded if they think otherwise.

The vast majority of our kids won't make it in the top tier of the game. Take the FA Youth Cup winning team of 2008 for example. They won the cup by being better than the rest. Of that team, Sturridge was the outstanding talent and has done well, yet skipped a rung on the maturity ladder. Mee and Trippier are doing well at Burnley, likely to be relegated. The rest of that team and other winning youth cup teams from other clubs just don't make it. It's sad, but its the way it is.

We have some good looking prospects in our youth setup but that's all they are. Kean Bryan is highly rated yet when he had a big role to play against Chelsea, was very poor. Every player can have a poor game but if he has that poor game for the first team and sees himself back in the EDS a week later, how does that help? Then I see people on here saying "Oh but Chelsea were all big lads". Good grief, you're advocating they play against grown men then use that excuse for a previous performance.

Football is a results business. If our EDS players had a better chance of winning the Premier League than our first team players, they would play. It's as simple as that. No conspiracy theories, no bizarre paranoia that our manager just "doesn't want" to play them, they just either aren't good enough or not ready.

We have a great coaching and management structure all the way up the age groups and they all communicate and watch these players daily. I trust their judgement that when the time is right, they will make the step up. People have a bizarre theory our Management team would rather better players not play just because they are young.

Maybe next season, Lopes and Denayer are integrated into the first team and a few of our EDS go on loan to competitive leagues and replicate what we've done with the aforementioned.

A far better model for City, and the lads themselves. This "throw them in" policy amongst fans is naive to the point of stupid.

Nail on the head, excellent post mate.
1 youth player in a team of experience players won't make a bit of difference to how we play infact it might just make the players play better and the crowd to get a bit excited at a young lad starting...
waspish said:
1 youth player in a team of experience players won't make a bit of difference to how we play infact it might just make the players play better and the crowd to get a bit excited at a young lad starting...

This current side, low on confidence and in a fight to secure top 4 and CL football is not the place to throw any young lad into.

A poor performance and god forbid a defeat will see those demanding it, suddenly demanding some poor fuckers head on a plate for picking the young lad in the first place as well you know.

When they are good enough, they will get picked.
blueinsa said:
waspish said:
1 youth player in a team of experience players won't make a bit of difference to how we play infact it might just make the players play better and the crowd to get a bit excited at a young lad starting...

This current side, low on confidence and in a fight to secure top 4 and CL football is not the place to throw any young lad into.

A poor performance and god forbid a defeat will see those demanding it, suddenly demanding some poor fuckers head on a plate for picking the young lad in the first place as well you know.

When they are good enough, they will get picked.

I'd rather look at the positives of a youth player in the side than the negatives..
markbmcfc said:
Never understood the obsession with 'throwing the kids in'.

Sure, it would be fantastic for some lad born on Kippax Street becomes captain of City and wins the Champions League 8 times. Every club would like that. However, you have to be realistic.

I watch our current crop with interest and our best talents nearest the first team are currently out on loan gaining valuable first team experience. A much better model than throwing them in for cup games or sticking them on the bench for a quick 10 minutes in the first team every 4 or 5 games. The ones still in the EDS or U18s are nowhere near ready in terms of physicality, mentality and ability. I don't know why people think putting these kids in the first team, to be shown up to be found wanting in areas of their game, does anything positive for their development or how it benefits the first team gain maximum points for the remainder of the season.

1. Provides a clear progression path and motivates young players both to sign for us and to work hard knowing they will get a chance at the big time.

2. Gives opposition defenders and managers an unknown quantity which they will not be prepared for tactically, leading to a dependence on thinking on their feet rather than executing patterns of play

3. Allows potential first team players to become used to City's First Team's patterns of play in a live setting which will be totally different throughout the age groups, aiding their ability to transition when the time is right.

4. Provides a benchmark for development for both the player and the coaching staff to highlight not just where they are now, but as you point out where their weaknesses are in comparison to the pace of the Premier League. A huge deal is that the pace of the first team is so much quicker that replicating this is extremely hard, and a "dipping the toes in" approach has shown benefits at almost every major club which has a good youth system.

5. Reminds first team players who might be a little complacent that although the transfer windows are shut, their place is consistently under threat from within and without working hard every day they could see themselves tomorrow's chip wrapping.

6. Motivates and excites fans which in turn makes them louder which in turn motivates the players to perform quicker and better. Ferguson once wrote that he felt that motivating the crowd was one the biggest plus points to this whole idea as his team works harder when the atmosphere is rocking, and you could often see many United players in their dominant period asking for more from the crowd in terms of atmosphere.

7. Challenges young players to develop the type of consistently only seen in senior football and allows them a clear progression path - 10 minutes on match turns into 15 minutes down the line then 30 minutes then a start then 3 starts in a row. Encouraging goal oriented behaviour in our youth players will absolutely definitely make them better footballers in the longer run.

Football is a results business. If our EDS players had a better chance of winning the Premier League than our first team players, they would play. It's as simple as that. No conspiracy theories, no bizarre paranoia that our manager just "doesn't want" to play them, they just either aren't good enough or not ready.

Why did Scott Sinclair and a 36 year old Frank Lampard come on in a game where we were 2-0 and 3-1 up and dominating rather than a young player? Why did Marcos Lopes get Man of the Match then one game later was completely dropped from the squad? Why did Pozo and Ambrose get dropped entirely and instead played a centre midfielder up front?

The manager isn't going to play youth. No bizarre conspiracy theories or paranoia, a very simple and consistent reading of events over the previous two years of his reign.

To touch again on this point, youth will NEVER be better than a first team player. NEVER EVER EVER. Even Leo Messi wasn't better than the first team players at Barca when he broke in. You break in youth team players because they have talent and need development with the hope that they turn out to be quality AFTER receiving first team action. A youth player will never be as good as a first team player because one is a youth player and the other is an established Premier League player. What you're suggesting isn't just an impossible situation, but it means that we would never bring through any player ever and the same system we've worked under for 7 years to the point where our youth progression in that time has been a bad joke.

Football is not JUST a results business, not any more. It's certainly the most important thing but the way you win is just as important as anybody who visits a Pellegrini thread will tell you (we're second in the league and going to sack the manager not because of results but because of the manner of those results). Integrating youth players is a part of the modern City manager's job whether they like it or not, we didn't spend millions on this Academy for no reason and progression is expected. The idea that a youth player must be as good as or better than a senior player is an incredibly stupid thing to believe for any club that is favouring its youth development systems in the way that we are.

We have a great coaching and management structure all the way up the age groups and they all communicate and watch these players daily. I trust their judgement that when the time is right, they will make the step up. People have a bizarre theory our Management team would rather better players not play just because they are young.

Maybe next season, Lopes and Denayer are integrated into the first team and a few of our EDS go on loan to competitive leagues and replicate what we've done with the aforementioned.

A far better model for City, and the lads themselves. This "throw them in" policy amongst fans is naive to the point of stupid.

Not really, your point boils down to "well we should not play them because they might cost us" and "the management knows what's best" which is the same post everybody puts on these threads without considering the flaws in their argument.

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