Car insurance advice..(unfortunate incident)

The fact your insurance expired 3 hours after the bump is not going to matter. As long as youve paid your premium in full you'll get the hire car for as long as your entitled to it.

Also just because the car is not on the MID for the date of crash doesn't mean he doesn't have a traders insurance?

If there is no insurance for that car, you can claim directly from the MIB on the uninsured drivers agreement. You can only claim the cost of repairs, and there's a pretty big excess of £500 I think.

MIB takes fucking ages too mate...
Protected NCD isn't as good as you might think.

50% off your last renewal premium of say = £500 less NCD = £250 payable.

Have a claim, keep your NCD as it's protected ;-)

50% off your new renewal premium £1,000 less NCD = £500 payable.

Just make sure you've declared any fat exhausts or tinted windows. That was the first thing my insurance company asked my when the Boxster was written off! The assesor who came to visit me said that a lot of companies are clamping down on non-declared alterations to standard cars and refusing to pay.

You need to claim with the company who's insurance was in force at the time. If the first one ran out at midnight, then it's the second one.
The other thing is I hope you had on street parking on your insurance (I have a parking space at the back of the house, though if i have an early start the next morning i will often leave the car on the street at front of the house, and could easily fall into this trap).
latest is the woman on the police switch board said the log of the incident isn't implying there is no insurance by the offender so presumably he could have fully comp and was in someone Else's car or something. Anyway, I cant find out until traffic division come to work tomorrow which means I'm in limbo car wise as the hire firm wont give me a car until they have notice the other guy did have insurance. On there system its down as the car not being insured that had the crash. Just a bit of a inconvenience really. Just cos some tool was pissed.
My premium will be going up from £600 to £900 this year thanks to uninsured drivers and dodgy claims.

It's time that we had to show an insurance disc along with tax discs.

My 18 year old stepson is paying £300 a month to insure his ten year old 1.2l (?) clio - the value of the car is a lot less than his annual premium. Is it any wonder that people don't bother when they are likely to get a couple of hundred quid fine for having no cover?

Hope that he is covered and it all works out for you.

Best of luck ;-)
You can only claim from the MIB for your uninsured losses, such as your excess, personal injury (not in your case as you weren't in it). If you have comprehensive insurance then you have to claim under your own policy.

Your insurers then have subrogated rights to pursue a recovery from the offending driver. However, they will not throw good money after bad and try to get blood from a stone, so the weasel will probably get off scot free.

You will lose your excess and your policy will be increased due to having a claim, though you retain your protected no claim discount. You will also have to advise the insurers whose policy started at midnight as it is a material fact occurring prior to the inception of that policy.

If you do not tell them then have a claim with them, they may be able to void the policy and not pay the claim.

Hope that helps.

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